CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Dec 12, 2015 #1 A Mine Field Legend and great bloke! Happy Gaghday! :cheer2::cheer2::cheer2:
Eggs Mayonnaise All In With The Nuts Dec 13, 2015 #6 Maybe he was waiting for this: THE SIREN'S CALL.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Dec 14, 2015 #7 He's waiting for sexy pics of General Grievous BUT I AIN'T SHARING.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Dec 16, 2015 #9 And using them to stomp on packets of crisps.
CaptainWacky I want to smell dark matter Dec 19, 2015 #10 Remember that story I was writing where Gagh was in Kate Upton's fridge or something? I need to finish that; it's important.
Remember that story I was writing where Gagh was in Kate Upton's fridge or something? I need to finish that; it's important.