Happy birthday Harrison Ford (69) and Sir Patrick Stewart (71)!

Happy birthday Harrison Ford!

Happy Birthday Sir Patrick Stewart!

Patrick Stewart would win in a fight.
It would be hilarious to find out at this stage that Patrick was as big a stoner as Harrison is. I BLAME WHOOPI LOL.

That could well be something he'd enjoy. "Hahaha, look how my BIG BELLY flops around as you whip me, Harry!"

Harrison Ford: "Don't call me Harry, you piece of shit." *WHIP*

Patrick Stewart: "That's it Harrison, whip him in the face! Oh, this really is most enjoyable!"
I'd say out of the two Patrick has aged the best, but Harrison has always been more of an outdoors kind of guy, and sun ages you.

I'd love to know how Patrick ended up working so closely with Seth MacFarlane.
Yeah, Harrison Ford's more wrinkly crinkly, though he was probably better looking to start with, so he still doesn't really look his age.

I doubt Patrick Stewart has, but I could imagine him having botox or something in the future if he starts to show his years. I mean, he seems fairly down to Earth, but he embraces the Hollywood glitz a lot more than Ford does, and he does have a young wife to please.
I loved how Jean Luc Picard was perfectly British until he had to say a French word, then suddenly he was all like "I'M MEESTER FRENCHY WIZ MY FRENCH TONGUE UNH-UNH-UNH!"