Zodiac Hard when your support team is not here
Zodiac Hard when your support team is not here
When the illusion of you being a hot girl is removed, you're instantly treated as a normal person. Therefore, you can't get away with being all cutesy in such an irritating way. Like I said before. I thought you might be a troll once. Now, I'm just convinced you really are that ignorant.
The ED article said:Suffering in the real world is serious business because it can actually kill you, whereas the internet is basically a vacuum of words, numbers and pictures.
When the illusion of you being a hot girl is removed, you're instantly treated as a normal person. Therefore, you can't get away with being all cutesy in such an irritating way. Like I said before. I thought you might be a troll once. Now, I'm just convinced you really are that ignorant.
and I am hardly a 'hot-gurl'.
Im a gurl! for 100th time.
大傻h! i gSIZG BEaT YP YoU APPAlLinG….bUrninAte yOu IN anus!1!! INpstEnTC!!!"