Troll Kingdom

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Has this place been shitting its pants on a near constant basis???


Zombie Hunter
Seems like it's been going down more than Blackfoot's mother during Fleet Week. But I can't rule out a local problem. I can ping pretty easily when it's down, but I time out on connecting with literally every browser I have installed.
Seems like it's been going down more than Blackfoot's mother during Fleet Week. But I can't rule out a local problem. I can ping pretty easily when it's down, but I time out on connecting with literally every browser I have installed.

^^^How would SHE know, I'M on HER Ignore list^^^...I offered to help Mentalist keep Troll Kingdom running smooth<<<The offer still stands Mentalist.

Contando Dolar GIF - Contando Dolar GIFs
Wait did C-40 just say that his mom ignores him?
I never see what he says anymore. Don't see his threads or posts. Nor do I read them when he bumps a thread that he started, because the moment I post all his bullshit disappears.

Makes TK life much better (as you all know) I should buy Eggs a bottle of something for his ability to deal with that asshole.
I have him blocked too, but since MENTALIST posted in this thread I had to see if C-40 said something to him. He said he offered to help him keep tk running smooth and then flashed some cash. But only after he said his own mom ignores him.
I have him blocked too, but since MENTALIST posted in this thread I had to see if C-40 said something to him. He said he offered to help him keep tk running smooth and then flashed some cash. But only after he said his own mom ignores him.
In other words, the same tired old bullshit.

I have better things to do at TK than that these days.