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Have I already burned myself out on Wind Waker?


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
I don't know why, I haven't been obsessively playing it EVERY DAY, but for some reason I'm just kinda meh about it.


I really want to play Twilight Princess again, but dammit if my Wii keeps eating the fucking disc.

I believe I shall be getting an Xbox for Christmas. Here's fingers crossed.

My co-worker just walked into my studio and she looks like Mary Tyler Moore in her pink hat and matching pink scarf.
I always lose interest in a game just before the end. I have played lots of games and quit before completing the last few things. I still haven't finished Skyward Sword FOR INSTANCE. Now it has been so long since I played that I will have to start over and learn the controls again. :rwmad:
I did that with Skyward Sword. It was the last desert mission that made me just throw my hands up in the air because I hate that one. And also swimming around looking for those tadpoles or whatever they were called.

I played Castlevania on my newphews Xbox (I think I was slightly medicated) and it was pretty cool. I've tried and tried and tried Skyrim, but that game doesn't seem to ever end, and so I gave up on it too.
You can actually finish Skyrim in just a few hours of game play if you want to call the game finished after completing the main quest. The rest is just extra.
I'm easily distracted though, so it's better for me not to have the opportunity for side quests.

Like with the Zelda games, I usually wait until I'm close to finishing before I go collect hearts and stuff.
The sidequests in Skyrim are more interesting than the main quest, but they're all kind of the same after awhile. FETCH FETCH FETCH.

The last time I played Wind Waker I did a lot more of the extra stuff than I ever had before. I think I actually found all the treasure maps, and all the treasure. There are always a couple heart pieces I JUST CAN'T GET. I can't ever do the jump thing where you have to time it just right and hit all the proper updrafts. I run out of magic EVERY TIME. It is so aggravating that I will probably never try to get that one again.
I feel like such a loser because I still can't get the Hylian shield. I hate playing The Enshrined or The Forgotten or whatever the hell Demise is before he is demise THREE FUCKING TIMES

I'm yelling a lot. :(