Have you no decency?


Coulter writes in a new book, "Godless: The Church of Liberalism," that a group of New Jersey widows whose husbands perished in the World Trade Center act "as if the terrorist attacks happened only to them."

She also wrote, "I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' deaths so much."
What a horrible human being.
Matt Lauer Offended By Ann Coulter, But Was Delighted by Franken

Ann Coulter and Al Franken don't have much in common, but both do enjoy making very provocative comments, laced with edgy humor which appeals to those on their side of the spectrum and conveys an underlining political point. But as the MRC's Geoff Dickens noticed after watching Tuesday's Today, Matt Lauer has two different sets of standards for the politically provocative authors. If you are on the left he laughs with you, if you are on the right he slams you. On the June 6 Today, an outraged Lauer read from Coulter's new book Godless: The Church Of Liberalism, and was particularly upset by her critique of the 9/11 widows: "These broads are millionaires lionized on TV and in articles about them reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' death so much.'" But last October Lauer laughed when Franken asserted that "George H.W. Bush, the President's father, said...that outing a CIA agent is treason. I agree. So I think that Rove and Libby will be executed."
I like Anne, she's spunky in a mean, tell-it-like-it-is kind of way. She reminds me of me only with a masters degree and a book deal.
But she doesn't "tell it like it is". She's a lying, delusional publicity whore passing herself off as a political expert.
Matt Lauer Offended By Ann Coulter, But Was Delighted by Franken

Ann Coulter and Al Franken don't have much in common, but both do enjoy making very provocative comments, laced with edgy humor which appeals to those on their side of the spectrum and conveys an underlining political point. But as the MRC's Geoff Dickens noticed after watching Tuesday's Today, Matt Lauer has two different sets of standards for the politically provocative authors. If you are on the left he laughs with you, if you are on the right he slams you. On the June 6 Today, an outraged Lauer read from Coulter's new book Godless: The Church Of Liberalism, and was particularly upset by her critique of the 9/11 widows: "These broads are millionaires lionized on TV and in articles about them reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief-arazzis. I've never seen people enjoying their husbands' death so much.'" But last October Lauer laughed when Franken asserted that "George H.W. Bush, the President's father, said...that outing a CIA agent is treason. I agree. So I think that Rove and Libby will be executed."
Right-wing blather. First, Franken is a humorist by trade, and means for his stuff to be laughed at. Second, the point he made is not without merit: treason has been dealt with death sentences in the US in the past. Third, I have yet to meet anyone who actually agrees with Coulter's 9/11 widow stance, even among her "fans".
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Right-wing blather. First, Franken is a humorist by trade, and means for his stuff to be laughed at. Second, the point he made is not without merit: treason has been dealt with death sentences in the US in the past. Third, I have yet to meet anyone who actually agrees with Coulter's 9/11 widow stance, even among her "fans".


Hyperbole is real horroshow for the left, and baddiwad for the right.
Eggs Mayonnaise said:
Right-wing blather. First, Franken is a humorist by trade, and means for his stuff to be laughed at. Second, the point he made is not without merit: treason has been dealt with death sentences in the US in the past. Third, I have yet to meet anyone who actually agrees with Coulter's 9/11 widow stance, even among her "fans".

Franken also thinks he should be taken more seriously than anyone from the right. Coulter thinks she's smarter than 90% of the left.

They're both idiots, blinded by their parents' beliefs, I'd bet.
I would like to screw her in the butt while bashing her in the head with a rock. Just for fun.
I lost any respect I had for Coulter when she called Colmes a liar on public TV and began to act like a liberal and could not produce any substantiation for her claim! She may be right on some things but I have no respect for anyone that would do that kind of shit!

IF you claim it... back that shit up! Dont doggie pedal backwards and hope people "just forget" that you fucked up!
There is no true "right wing" it was hijacked by globalists and socialists decades ago.The current conservatives and liberals are two sides of the same zionist capitalist coin. They pose no threat to each other while the globalists work behind the scenes to eliminate western civilization. The neo cons are impotent and only care about their religion hence they will never get rid of the socialists currently infecting our schools and society.

Don't you support jews Astral? Marx and Trotsky were both jews and socialism was a jewish creation. That makes you the ultimate liberal.
Deaths Head said:
There is no true "right wing" it was hijacked by globalists and socialists decades ago.The current conservatives and liberals are two sides of the same zionist capitalist coin. They pose no threat to each other while the globalists work behind the scenes to eliminate western civilization. The neo cons are impotent and only care about their religion hence they will never get rid of the socialists currently infecting our schools and society.

Don't you support jews Astral? Marx and Trotsky were both jews and socialism was a jewish creation. That makes you the ultimate liberal.

Lol... cute. But no, you are wrong. You show your obvious ignorance about neo-cons. If they really supported their religion they would not be running around visiting whorehouses, porn-sites, and getting married and divorced! They really are not Christians! Liberalism is defined better by the social and political stances taken on issues, not by who you support!

I do agree with you comment on the right and left wings. They are nothing of what they used to be! It is easy to see that they are both out to fuck the world over and enslave people, they merely disagree on how to achieve it!

As far as supporting the Jews... well lets say this. They are fighting the Islam terrorists. Whom want us dead as well! In that fashion I will support the Jews. However just because they are God's Choosen people and I am a Christian does not mean that I HAVE to support them. They have turned against their own God and they have paid for it as well. That is why they were torn from their nation and sent to the corners of the earth for nearly 2 centuries! Its prophecy!

In all actuality to become Christian is to become a Jew! Why is this? Because Christ is the King of Jews. Therefore in the biblical sense being a Jew is a matter of spirituality and not a matter of Blood lineage. Jesus has spoken on several occasions on how the Jews had left the roots of their religion long before He even arrived!

You also show your ignorance on Socialism as well. If you actually look at it both the liberal/dem and rep/con positions on some issues in fact share ideologies of socialism. If you look at the closer definition you will find liberals are leading the socialist movement more than conservatives! Remember conservative thinking leads to smaller government. One that is not capable of supporting social or busines welfare, no foreign aid, no meddling institutions like the IRS, FDA, FEMA, Social Security and the likes. There is no government bureaucracy that functions even at 50% capacity! Where as socialism seeks to have nanny gubermint to care and babysit its citizens! They require a large ass gubermint to get this accomplished!
Aren't the Freemasons running both socialism and Democracy (but under the guize of world domination eventually as a Elitist Despotism?).

I think that Dan Brown has all of the answers to that.

(let's see who takes that seriously)