Troll Kingdom

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Hello, I must be going!


Out of the closet
"Hello, I must be going.
I cannot stay,
I came to say
I must be going.
I'm glad I came
but just the same
I must be going." ~ Groucho Marx


Fuckers. ;)
Wishing the new parents restful nights!
(not gonna happen, but one can wish it anyway! :D )

We'll be in touch.

[oh, and ask BDM , Sardy, and Chatty - it is required by TK law to post new baby pics.]
So long, farewell. . .but when you're up late at night with those nighttime feedings, I bet you'll learn how to type one handed messages on TK while balancing the bottle under your chin.
You're a dope, Messenger. You haven't even the slightest idea what you are negging.