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Here's What I Did Friday Night


1) Monarch 100 proof Vodka (1/3 of a fifth-- how many ounces is that?)
2) pot (zoom-tube, don't remember how much)
3) muscle relaxers (3 or 4, don't know the name or if I did any more than that)
4) Diloten (sp?) (1, could be spelt Dilodin Diloden Dilotin Dilotyn)
5) Percocet (3)

edit* is it "spelt" or "spelled"?
No sex. God, I hope not. I'm sure I would have been told by *someone* the next day if I had sex.
Gonad said:
1) Monarch 100 proof Vodka (1/3 of a fifth-- how many ounces is that?)
2) pot (zoom-tube, don't remember how much)
3) muscle relaxers (3 or 4, don't know the name or if I did any more than that)
4) Diloten (sp?) (1, could be spelt Dilodin Diloden Dilotin Dilotyn)
5) Percocet (3)

edit* is it "spelt" or "spelled"?

Non-existant. I slept for about five to eight hours and woke up still a little drunk but otherwise fine, which is typical for a night of just plain drinking with no other vices.
Gonad-did you come to my work today? I thought I saw you-but thought it was a crazy thought.
I don't know where you work; just what you do. Sort of. I really don't think so.