Troll Kingdom

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Hey Brian!!


New member
I need for you to live on this board, it is the only way we are going to be able to track you down. I have given certain people the user names I think you post with so we can get a handle on your proxies. a good little boy criminal and post away!!!! We already have we need to find you.

Guess who is finally gonna put you where you belong????? I made a promise to TrollKingdom last year.

JillianBacardi is gonna take out the TRASH.
I heard that he's under an alias and rubbing shoulders with the TrollWars people.
Oh, and he thinks he's safe at StripperWeb now that TQ's charade has passed.

I could be lying, I might not be lying.
can you take that chance?

I made a promise to TrollKingdom last year.
You made lots of promises.
Blindgroping said:
I heard that he's under an alias and rubbing shoulders with the TrollWars people.
Oh, and he thinks he's safe at StripperWeb now that TQ's charade has passed.

I could be lying, I might not be lying.
can you take that chance?

I don't have to take the chance, I pretty much have him by the balls. The balls that have shriveled up into his body cavity because he is scared. He is a fuck up.

Blindgroping said:
You made lots of promises.

I did??? I am making good on some of them. The legal system is S>>>L>>>O>>>W. Don't you worry your pretty little head BG.......I am going to make you proud. I am going to bring the TRUTH out about what went down on this board. I am going to make TrollKingdom famous!!!!! Now.............if I can get Rita Cosby, Joe Scarborough, Tucker Carlson and Oprah Winfrey to put me on their shows to tell my story...........TrollKingdom will become a household word.
Mentalist said:
Yes you did, you promised our summons would be here 8 months ago. Where are they?

Oh, that's right, the Legal system is slow.. Sure.

Are you telling everyone your brother didn't get his summons?? I think Brian is being the usual con artist.

Hey Brian.............ya been to the pawn shop lately??? Declared Chapter 7 bankruptcy?? Can't hold down a job??? Is a cocksucking fag who can't pawn enough items to give a blow job.

You are such a joke. I think everyone is laughing at you.
You are obsessing over me in chat rooms??? You are a dangerous person and I fear for my safety because of you. I have feared for my safety for years because of you.

I will no longer live in fear of a criminal who has decided to stalk me online and in real life.
MentalFUCK isn't Brian, Debbie. He's just a cunt who likes to stir trouble up. I don't know who he is for sure, but he's not Brian. SaintLucifer is Brian, the one who has not stopped talking about you for months.

MentalCASE is just another brick in the wall of the warped establishment around here.