Troll Kingdom

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Hey Cait

I am going to find out.

A jury is going to find out. We are asking for one right away. We have the records, we know who you are.

Get a plane ticket now while the prices are good. I want you on the STAND.
That was the most excellent Stephen King book. Speaking of Stephen King, I wonder what he could do with this material. Think he can get Kathy Bates to play you?
Can you imagine the media when they get this story??? When they find out what you guys have done to the average, taxpaying, law-abiding citizen who has never been in trouble in her life???

Until she got on a board with government employees??

Can you imagine the sensationalism of it all???

The destruction of personal property, the harassment on a public website, the illegal activity our federal government has let their employees commit??

I am looking forward to the day.
The Question said:
So tell me, which Federal agency do I work for? Have ya figured it out yet?

Well...........I contacted Susan and Mariann at the Dla/CIA site that was posted here. I spoke to both of them, I forwarded information to them. They were going to forward to someone that investigates this type stuff. I am not a liberty to give you his name.

Sorry. Nice try.