Troll Kingdom

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Hey, Debbie.


Staff member
It's almost mid 2006. You said we would all be prosecuted nearly a year ago and by this time we should be done and dusted.

Why has nobody mentioned you in RL to me? It wouldn't be because you're full of shit would it?
Mentalist said:
It's almost mid 2006. You said we would all be prosecuted nearly a year ago and by this time we should be done and dusted.

Why has nobody mentioned you in RL to me? It wouldn't be because you're full of shit would it?
Perhaps you should see if there is a warrant out for your arrest. I already have one on the way to prison, I am going for the second criminal.....if he will come out of hiding he will be prosecuted. All his "cyber" friends...........we will see what kind of "friends" they are.

If we cannot manage to find you in your hiding places, I have suggested they look on this board and get a lock on your proxies. I already have them from two other boards and a gmail.

Have a Nice Day. Turn yourself will make it easier on everyone. Of course, you can wait for the trial. Tell Mommy the Stalker........she is next. Then the sister-in-law.
psssstttt..................perhaps you should take your compooter equipment to the pawn shop. Get lawyered up. You will need a good one, perhaps I can talk the one who represented me in the false arrest charge to represent you.
LOL, it's so funny.

If we cannot manage to find you in your hiding places, I have suggested they look on this board and get a lock on your proxies. I already have them from two other boards and a gmail.

I've never used Gmail.

You've actually got worse if that's possible. What in gods name are you doing back here? Still got those imaginary shadows chasing you around?

How can you be still spouting off your legal mumbo jumbo a year after we're all meant to have been locked away? I suppose the "imaginary" trial has just magically postponed itself and no word given to any of us? There is no warrant for my arrest I might as well add, I'd be the first to know.

Are you under such an illusuion that you think we are trembling in fear over your court orders and warrants an imaginary dealings with the FBI? Debbie, you've been a laughing stock ever since you first arived, nobody takes anything you say seriously. NOBODY.

Seriously, get a grip and start taking the meds the doctor gives you.
Who are you Mentalist??? Quit hiding behind different user names like the coward you are.

As far as the legal mumbo jumbo...........ask Eric. He has a malicious prosecution case pending against him. We are asking for a 12-person jury to hear this case immediately. Why are you even interested??? Because we know your identity??
What was the delay. You said this was happening almost a year ago. And no I don't know where Eric is but I do know where Brian is, he's on this board. has been for a few months since you left now. Whats it to you?
^^I know he is here. I have people looking for him so we can serve him. Let him know he should come out of hiding and make it easy on everyone.

Of course, that won't happen because he is a lowlife coward.

btw Mentalist..........were you the person who posted my criminal record with all my vital stats on the internet. The most horrific thing to me is knowing a felon who was brought up on forgery charges has my vital stats. It is a concern I will be sharing with the jury.

Have you talked to your brother lately??
Oh my darling, oh my darling,
Oh my darling Clementine
You are lost and gone forever,
Dreadful sorry, Clementine.
^^I knew your brother was an inbred retard when I got my first look at him in court. Do you think it was retarded enough for him to access state records at the prison??? Then "create" criminal charges????? What was he smoking when he did that???
Mentalist said:
It's almost mid 2006. You said we would all be prosecuted nearly a year ago and by this time we should be done and dusted.

Why has nobody mentioned you in RL to me? It wouldn't be because you're full of shit would it?

It is past mid 2006 now Mentalist. The time is drawing near...........if not for people "disappearing" you would be done and dusted.

When you are fighting dirty government usually have a lot of delays when trying to bring the wheels of justice full circle.

Aint' that right Tamar_Garish?
NeonMercuryASH said:
Actually, she's chock full of nuts.

Actually, you are one scary looking chick. I noticed nobody said anything when you posted your old, tired drag-queen looking pic. Like I have been ridden hard and put away wet.
FederalAgent007 said:
Have you checked in at the courthouse today??

Of course you haven't checked the courthouse. We have only been trying to get this thing into court since February. Eric is dodging his "papers", moving between two states, on the run.......... so now we have to put an APB out for he and his felon bro. That could take some time since they both finally realize what deep shit they are in.

Time for Plan B.

Do you guys have a Plan B Mentalist??? Other than trying to put a bullet in my head??? Cause TQ's plan to try to set me up for some kind of illegal activity isn't a matter of fact, it is giving me even more ammunition.