Troll Kingdom

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Hey lilith hope the baby doesn't come out black

You must be squeezing the base. But you do have the whitest teeth I've ever come across!
Half black ape babies tend to grow up and do less jail time then full breed ape babies.
trollwarssnoopd said:
Half black ape babies tend to grow up and do less jail time then full breed ape babies.

Sounds like you have a fetish for ape babies. We know you like molesting them. C'mon.. admit it, we all understand :)
jack said:
You must be squeezing the base. But you do have the whitest teeth I've ever come across!
and I hear his skin is silky smooth too, I know his face was the smoothest I've ever come across
jack said:
You must be squeezing the base. But you do have the whitest teeth I've ever come across!

You are so fucking gay, the guys from Queer Eye are like, "We can't do nothin' for this Queen".
Big Dick McGee said:
You are so fucking gay, the guys from Queer Eye are like, "We can't do nothin' for this Queen".

You are such a redneck, they have to invent a new SPF so you wont get melanoma.
Yeah, a Redneck born and raised in Philadelphia. You know, a major city. Unlike, say, the backwoods of Vermont.

You know why Philadelphia is better than New York City? FEWER FUCKING JEWS. Sure, we have more Nigger, but at least niggers know their place!
How many Philadelphians does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

1 to hold the bulb, and 2.6 million to turn the skyscraper round and round.
Big Dick McGee said:
Yeah, a Redneck born and raised in Philadelphia. You know, a major city. Unlike, say, the backwoods of Vermont.

You know why Philadelphia is better than New York City? FEWER FUCKING JEWS. Sure, we have more Nigger, but at least niggers know their place!

Ah. I am pleased with your post BDM. You finally admit to being a nigger! Well done!! Such a brave thing to do!