Troll Kingdom

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Hey, Luci...

Mentalist said:

Well hello MENTALCASE! I have not seen you for some time. What the fuck is that avatar all about? Can't anyone just stick with one avatar? Goddamn it although rather unfair since I could not change mine if I wanted to. *ROTFLMAO*
Mentalist said:
Your avatar was used by a poster on this board some years back. HER name was Calli.


I was quite surprised to discover that actually. Someone was moving older threads forward so when I was reviewing specific threads I saw a CALLI. I was stunned to see my avatar there because I pulled mine from another site. What are the odds? Truly what are they? Hmm. SAREK claims to be VULCAN. Let's ask him! He should be very accurate with his calculations even if he is a fat, bald VULCAN who claims to be a policeman. I pulled that avatar from a CELTIC site. I chose it because of my Celtic roots. Daddy was born in Scotland little girl.
John Clark said:
Do you have a problem with Vulcans?! PERHAPS YOU WOULD ENJOY THE VULCAN NUT-KICK! IN NEH NUTZ!!! :pissed:

Oh hello! Are you new here? Oopsy! 2003? You don't say! Yet it is only now I have encountered you? Feeling left out in the VICTIMISATION department are we? Would you like me to remedy that for you? Perhaps but I should like to discover who you are although I would suggest I truly do not give a flying fuck. Something is amiss when an individual from TK of 2003 starts posting to me. Raises a few eyebrows I daresay.
Allow me a suggestion. Please cut down on the SOUTH PARK. It becomes rather childish when you actually quote cartoon characters in a forum. Now I give you permission to leave MY forum.
Zodiac said:
Mine. Mine mine mine.

Here's an idea. This 'ADMIN' treatment has given you a false sense of power. I should like to challenge you. Ban me completely from TROLLKINGDOM. Surely this is what you want yes? You have wanted this since the very first day I signed up and tore you a new asshole. Why not take advantage of your newfound power? Lock me out of TROLLKINGDOM. Forever! Psst! I DAAAAARRRREEEEEE you! *ROTFLMAO*
Zodiac said:

At a loss for words yet again are we? What to do? I mock SAINTLUCIFER but when he calls me on my 'power' I am actually quite powerless. Hmmm? So much for that. Every time I call you on something you utter but one word: 'ok'. *ROTFLMAO*
SaintLucifer said:

WHOMP!!! IN NEH NUTZ!!! :pissed:
Zodiac said:
This isn't a sentence. Perhaps you should return to grade school, my young chap.

Neither is 'OK' or 'O RLY' (see URLs below for 'proof'). Perhaps you would like to join me in grade school yes? I could use the company of a twit such as yourself. My own personal CLOWN.

Not very good at thinking on your ass are you? The weight of your body must be crushing your brain as you sit in your chair.
SaintLucifer said:
Neither is 'OK' or 'O RLY' (see URLs below for 'proof'). Perhaps you would like to join me in grade school yes? I could use the company of a twit such as yourself. My own personal CLOWN.

Not very good at thinking on your ass are you? The weight of your body must be crushing your brain as you sit in your chair.

Thanks for being a fan!!!!!

Zodiac said:

Thanks for being a fan!!!!!


Cute attempt at preventing yourself from looking the idiot you are. Accept it. You are defeated. Now run upstairs and cry to mommy about the big, bad ol' SAINTLUCIFER who bitchslapped you in what you thought was the REAL WORLD.