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Hey! They've made the Emmys suck more!


24, best drama? I stopped watching halfway through this season it sucked so bad.

Go back to the old way of voting.
Hambil said:
24, best drama? I stopped watching halfway through this season it sucked so bad.

Go back to the old way of voting.

Your incredibly bad taste in television is exceeded only by your poor taste in politics.

24 is easily the best show on television, hands down.

What, pray tell, do you consider to be the best 3 or 4 shows currently on tv, Hambil?
OH NO The first lady escaped out the bathroom window of the Whitehouse and there's ANOTHER mole in CTU! The Republican president is evil though, at least they got that right.

Best shows?

Battlestar Galactica
Rescue Me

and Doctor Who if you want to include British shows, but since it the Emmys we're talking about it doesn't count.
Hambil said:
Best shows?


HAHAHAH!! That's a good one! ANOTHER medical procedure show that's completely unoriginal.

Never watched it, and I pretty much watch everything on HBO. But Carnivale sucked major ass, so another period piece didn't interest me.

Battlestar Galactica

Unwatchable after the 2nd episode of the latest season. Derivitive, repetative, BORING.

Rescue Me

Never watched it, but FX has a good track record, I'll have to d/l some eps.

and Doctor Who if you want to include British shows, but since it the Emmys we're talking about it doesn't count.

Series 2 yes. Every episode has been gorgeous. While Eccleston made a fantastic Doctor, the episodes were hit-or-miss. Tennant's series is much better.

Just for the sake of fairness, here are my top shows:

1. (tie) 24, Veronica Mars
3. The Shield
4. Doctor Who
5. Nip/Tuck (tho this season wasn't great)
House is awesome. It's one of my favourite shows.

I haven't seen Deadwood or Rescue Me though.

I watch the following shows without fail:

Dr Who
Battlestar Galactica
Veronica Mars
Big Brother
Prison Break

I have to be in the right mood for 24 then I watch it from beginning to end very quickly. I can't follow it week to week I need the entire season infront of me.
Lost is still my favorite...even though many people have turned against it (for some reason).

I like House, too.
Deni said:
Lost is still my favorite...even though many people have turned against it (for some reason).

The reason is, the plot has barely advanced over season one. The character development and backstory is nice, but you've GOTTA advance the plot every now and then, not just in the final 2 eps of the season.

I LOVED season one of Lost, but this season really pissed me off.
I love HBO series mostly, although Sopranos has gone on two seasons too long now. And I love westerns for the most part.

But Deadwood, the two or three times I've watched it, is simply terrible. It's like an exercise to see how many times they can fit the word "Fuck" into a single episode. Profanity is like a fine seasoning; it's nice to have handy, for spice, but over-use will kill your meal.

My tv favorites, few though they are:

Two and a half men
Ultimate Fighter
Rock Star
The problem with the Emmys is that each show is only allowed to submit a single episode for consideration. Often the judges don't watch the show, or watch it sporatically, so episodic shows like Gray's Anatomy and House have a built in advantage over shows with complex story arcs like BsG and Lost.
Among the warhorses, West Wing stopped being classic TV after season 4, but the Academy owes Martin Sheen a Best Actor Emmy for skipping over him every other year he was nominated. Everyone's jaw in the room dropped when James Gandalfini beat him out in 2001 (Season 2, with "Two Cathedrals").

Also, there hasn't been a funnier woman on TV than Megan Mullaly since W&G premiered. She created a classic, iconic character that remains hilarious on a show that is now sporadically funny. She gets it.

Other than that, let the new kids wrestle for it all.
Big Dick McGee said:
The reason is, the plot has barely advanced over season one. The character development and backstory is nice, but you've GOTTA advance the plot every now and then, not just in the final 2 eps of the season.

I LOVED season one of Lost, but this season really pissed me off.

I don't know, looking back an awful lot happened to wrap up season 1 loose ends: the secret of the hatch, more info on the island, the return of the Tail section survivors (although that was a bust considering the DUI-induced deaths of the the two girls), Michael's return and betrayal, the intro and detailing of the Others including that creepy Henry guy. He'll make a good head bad guy in coming years. Plus Eko was really fleshed out as a character as well as Hurley, and we got to see different sides to characters who were drifting into Superman boyscout territory like Locke and Charlie.

I suspect they had to make a few last-minute changes to the season, though because some stuff just went away and never came back, like the whole Baptism thing with the baby, and Lock/Charlie/Claire, and a few other subplots that just dangled into nothing. Wasn't Claire sick at some point? Needed some medicine?
Big Dick McGee said:
The reason is, the plot has barely advanced over season one. The character development and backstory is nice, but you've GOTTA advance the plot every now and then, not just in the final 2 eps of the season.

I LOVED season one of Lost, but this season really pissed me off.

Yeah, I know...but there's still so much suspense! I don't know why everyone did a COMPLETE turn-around on the show. It was THAT bad. :/