Hey, TQ!

Askin' about my hangin' parts and following that up with the phrase, "touchin' base" could be misconstrued in a very strange direction, ya know. O_o
LMAO! I honestly didn't mean that! I swear! I always say that. I really do.



Blush...very deep red blush...
Ugh, thinking about Friday touching my wiener makes me feel all sick to my stomach. Look out, here comes that Chicken wrap I ate for lunch! *BLAAAARG!!!*
I've just resigned myself to the fact, BDM, that you are an irascible curmudgeon.

But I still can't get past the fact that I enjoy your posts. When you're not attacking me.

So there. :P
ATTACKING you? My dear woman, if I were really attacking you, you'd be reduced to a blubbering, snot-nosed wreck, so insecure in your looks, abilities, and intelligence that you'd become agoraphobic!

These are merely just light jabs, woman. JUST JABS I SAY!

Okay, okay....

So....what brand magnifying glass does your wife use to find that little cocktail weiner, anyways? ;)
Much like the Great Wall of China, or the lights on the Vegas Strip, my cock is visible from space with the naked eye.