Troll Kingdom

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Hey Ultros


New member
Hi! Hello!! new guy. So............tell me a little about yourself. Seriously. I am really not a schizo-alcoholic-crack addict criminal like Sarek and The Question would like everyone to think I am. I am in my late 40's and just got my very first criminal record for online harassment. The Burglary arrest record was an added bonus from some of my overzealous fans who think I take too much meth in combination with rum.

Any Hoo I look like a crazy person to you???????? pics/nerd.gif Pics/My Pics/IM000314.jpg

I think a little craziness can add a lot of zest to life!!!! Especially when you make little bad boy's pee-pee's hurt. pics/biglaugh.gif

I'm broke, I'm bored..............this a way to get a laugh.
........btw..........I haven't been "fleeing" the board~~I have been painting the back bedroom cause I am trying to sell my house.

I ran out of crack and my DEA connection is in a pissy mood right now so I had to resort to huffing.