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Hillary Clinton

Who cares? So long as she's out of Arkansas for good, you can classify her how ever you wish.

Now, if we can get that fucking oversized trailer dedicated to her husband moved out of the state, I'll really be happy.
Big Dick McGee said:
"Dumb, Power-Hungry Cunt", or "Bitter, Self-Absorbed Lesbian"?


Gotta go with "Deadly SMART, Power-Hungry Cunt". Since I've met the Clintons on several occasions my opinion my hold more water.

Here's the inside scoop from one of my SS buddies, Hill had a boyfriend on her detail. Probably still does as far as I know.
Big Dick McGee said:
^^I bet if you get enough residents together, you can push it off a cliff or something.
No real cliffs in the area other than the Petite Roche...and that's too far. There is, however, the Arkansas River itself.

Not a bad idea, actually.



C'mon...doesn't that piece of shit look like a trailer home to you?

Edit to add: I know the library director, Dr. David Alsobrook, and he's a better man than this. I wonder who's kid he got caught diddling to be punished in this manner.
Rafterman said:
Gotta go with "Deadly SMART, Power-Hungry Cunt". Since I've met the Clintons on several occasions my opinion my hold more water.

Here's the inside scoop from one of my SS buddies, Hill had a boyfriend on her detail. Probably still does as far as I know.

Yeah, 'cause it's real smart to equate The President of the United State of America with Plantation owning slavemaster, especially on Martin Luther King day. Her chances of support for an '08 run have all but evaporated.
CoyoteUgly said:
No real cliffs in the area other than the Petite Roche...and that's too far. There is, however, the Arkansas River itself.

Not a bad idea, actually.



C'mon...doesn't that piece of shit look like a trailer home to you?

Edit to add: I know the library director, Dr. David Alsobrook, and he's a better man than this. I wonder who's kid he got caught diddling to be punished in this manner.

I think Wal-Mart should buy it and make it into a mobile-home accessories showroom.
Hillary Clinton... raising the blood pressure of Republican talk radio heads since 1992, and still going strong.
She doesn't raise my blood pressure so much as she gives me a good belly laugh everytime she opens her jowly face.
WordInterrupted said:
Why do you dislike her so much?

Because her selfish political grandstanding has become quite tiresome. Calling President Bush a slavemaster, in front of a black congregation, on Martin Luther King day? Not something Dr. King would want to be associated with, I'll warrant.
I know she is reprehensible, but i've got a bit of a thing for her. I really do.

I keep on thinking about the famous hot dog photo and thinking of her lips... you know, well...

Come on, what is not sexy about her?
I'm going to vote for her in 2008, because her victory and the resultant blast from the Dick and other diehard Republicans' heads spontaneously exploding will cause a giant cloud to form in the atmosphere, creating a nuclear winter and effectively reversing global warming for future generations.

I am happy to do my part for the environment...
Because her selfish political grandstanding has become quite tiresome. Calling President Bush a slavemaster, in front of a black congregation, on Martin Luther King day? Not something Dr. King would want to be associated with, I'll warrant.

She doesn't grandstand any more than other politicians. Bush and his lackeys have called Democrats traitors and terrorist sympathizers. It's sort of silly to get all het up about Hillary, and then give Bush a pass when he does the same thing. What's the REAL reason you don't like her?
^^^Because, like I said, everything is about "me, me, me". She doesn't even care about the damage she's doing to others in her party. She never misses a chance to talk about how wonderful she is, what a great Presdident her husband was (nevermind that he publicly humiliated her by schtupping an employee that was the same age as their daughter), blah, blah, blah.

I've never given President Bush or his administration a "free pass". I simply believe that when President Bush does something, it's for the good of the people. When Hillary Clinton does something, it's for the good of Hillary Clinton, period.
I've never given President Bush or his administration a "free pass". I simply believe that when President Bush does something, it's for the good of the people. When Hillary Clinton does something, it's for the good of Hillary Clinton, period.

Was Bush acting in the public interest when he appointed an unqualified political crony to head FEMA? Is circumventing the Pentagon procurement process to award bloated contracts to political allies in the public interest? Is it in the public interest to blow the cover of a CIA agent to get back at a political enemy?

ALL polticians--both Bush and Clinton--must look out for their own self-interest, but that doesn't mean they never act out of principle, or that their self-interest and their principles don't coincide. There is absolutely no basis to claim that Clinton is more self-interested than any other politican. For example, you claim that "she doesn't even care about the damage she's doing to others in her party." If you knew anything about her activities, you'd know that over the last year, she has raised millions of dollars for Democrats around the country. She has helped the party tremendously, not hurt it.

You're spouting stereotypes that have nothing to do with reality. There's a more fundamental reason why you don't like her, and I'd like to know what it is.