The Amazing Messenger
New member
Men abusing women in the media are cause for protest and outrage, yet women abusing men are viewed as a source of humor, such as when Blondie chases Dagwood with a rolling pin and leaves him with a black eye.
Women initiate violence as often as men do, but because they will use weapons rather than their own hands more often, actually inflict more harm. More black women murder their spouses than do black men; for whites spousal homicide is gender-balanced. When children are sold for sexual purposes it is overwhelmingly by the mothers rather than the fathers. Most child physical abuse is committed by mothers.
The media bias portraying women as victims and men as brutes not only made militant feminists like Andrea Dworkin (who seriously suggested that women randomly kill men to keep men in a constant state of fear) very rich, but served another purpose, which was to redesign society to function with a female structure and to make men "disposable", and all the more easy to send off to die in wars of conquest yet to come. In hindsight, it is clear to see a link between the male-bashing of the 1990s, and the wars of conquest planned for the 2000s.
Women initiate violence as often as men do, but because they will use weapons rather than their own hands more often, actually inflict more harm. More black women murder their spouses than do black men; for whites spousal homicide is gender-balanced. When children are sold for sexual purposes it is overwhelmingly by the mothers rather than the fathers. Most child physical abuse is committed by mothers.
The media bias portraying women as victims and men as brutes not only made militant feminists like Andrea Dworkin (who seriously suggested that women randomly kill men to keep men in a constant state of fear) very rich, but served another purpose, which was to redesign society to function with a female structure and to make men "disposable", and all the more easy to send off to die in wars of conquest yet to come. In hindsight, it is clear to see a link between the male-bashing of the 1990s, and the wars of conquest planned for the 2000s.