hOLY sHit!

I Love Cunt

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When do I fucking get to go to dinner tonight? 7:00?! OH MY FUCKING GOD!
Just kidding
I'm not really swearing like this
yes I am
no I'm not
yes I am
but srsly wtf how long do I have to wait for a fucking steak to be prepared and a salad and a nice bowl of soup?!
Just kidding I'm not having all of those things for dinner
yes i am
no I'm not
I'm just kidding I didnt' really make this thread
Yes I did
Maybe I didn't

I Love Cunt

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And I created that character. I did that for real life when I was in HS. That was me. I'm not lying. Ask my friends, I have a lot of them. More than you probably. I invented friends.