Hope you are all okay


Forever Empress E
and that you are warm enough and have enough to eat.


Why thank you Eloisel, I did some grocery shopping today and just now turned on the space heater :).


Unluckiest Charm in the Box
I cant complain. I only hope that the less fortunate out there find someone to take them in from the cold!


Forever Empress E
Me too.

I Love Cunt

Watch It
yOUR Post earlier made it sound like you have no heat and no where to go! Do you not have a fire place? do you have warm blankets?


Forever Empress E
I'm okay. It is just my old house can't take this 8 degree weather. All the heaters are going and still can't get it warmer than 48-52 degrees. These rolling blackouts don't help either. I'm wearing a ton of clothes and socks to keep warm when I'm not in the bed wrapped up under 7 blankets and three cats.

I need to get a couple of gel fuel fireplaces that I can move around to the rooms I use the most. The fuel is a little pricey but they don't need electricity or gas to operate. We're having gas blackouts as well as electricity blackouts.

Normally I'd go to one of the newer hotels when it gets this frigid - which is only a time or two a year, if at all. The cats can take the house being around 50 degrees better than we can. But with the Super Bowl taking over this area this week and this weekend there isn't an available room anywhere within 100 miles.

We'll survive but I'm dreading getting up and taking a shower in that cold bathroom in a few hours.


8 degree weather?? It rarely gets any colder than the low 40s out here (it'll be 39 tonight) and it's more than a notion let me tell you. Good luck, stay warm, you might want to rethink the hotel though, it sounds comfortable, not that a half dozen blankets doesnt sound cool too. I hope that helps.


Forever Empress E
It is the Super Bowl. All the hotels are booked up.


Forever Empress E
It warmed up to 27 today!!! Some of the ice and snow on the trees outside my window office even started to melt under the onslaught of that afternoon sun. I took pictures but now I can't find my camera bag to get the chord to upload the pictures to my PC. Drat. It is hiding in the trunk of my car along with all the stuff that has accumulated there during the holidays and special events earlier this year. It is about 55 in the house today so it is at least survivable. And, made it to the grocery store last night so we are filled up with food and supplies.

I would like to build a hobbit house out of earthbags in my back yard. It would be easy to keep warm in the worst winters and cool in the hottest summers.


Forever Empress E
One of my friends sent me a message on FB asking if we're going to have the drum circle tomorrow night. Just because it is going to be 28 degrees and everything is covered in ice and snow doesn't mean we can't gather outdoors under the great night sky and bang on our little drums. We'll just have to build a much bigger fire than usual and wear lots and lots and lots of layers. Fun times.