Khalid Sheik Mohammed: I have someone who wants to talk to you; a very special friend who was with you at the party tonight.
Aeommai: [Khalid Sheik Mohammed hands him the walkie talkie] Hey,Yub boy.
Yub: Aeommai?
Aeommai: Yeah. Now listen, Yub, they're giving me a few minutes to try to talk some sense into you. I know you think you're doing your job, Yub, and I can appreciate that, but, you're just dragging this thing out. Now look, no one gets outta here until these guys can talk to the moderators, and that just ain't gonna happen until you stop messin' up the works, capisci?
Yub: Aeommai, what have you told them?
Aeommai: I told 'em we were old friends and you were my guest at the party.
Yub: Aeommai, you shouldn't be doin' this.
Aeommai: Tell me about it. Alright, Yub, listen. They want you to help them reinstate the Spamsitution. They know people are listening. They want the Spamsitituion or they're gonna kill me.
Aeommai: Yub, didn't you hear me?
Yub: Yeah, I hear you.
Aeommai: Hey, Yub, I think you can get with the program a little, huh? The mods are here now, it's their problem. Now help these guys with the Spamsitution so no one else gets hurt, you know I'm putting my life on the line for you, pal.
Yub: Aeommai, listen to me very carefully.
Aeommai: Yub?
Yub: Shut up Aeommai, just shut your mouth! Put Dual's sockpuppet back on the line.
[Aeommai holds the walkie talkie up]
Yub: Dual, this shit-head does not know what kind of man you are, but I do. Listen to me!
Khalid Sheik Mohammed: Good. Then, you'll give us what we want and save your friend's life. You're not part of this equation this time, you realize that.
[presents his gun]
Aeommai: Hey, what am I, a method actor? Mohammed, babe, put away the gun, this is radio, not television.
Yub: [nervously yelling] Dual, this asshole is not my friend, I just met him tonight, I don't know him. Jesus Christ, aeommai these people are gonna kill you, tell them, you don't know me.
Aeommai: Yub, how can you say that after all these years, huh? Yub?
[gets no response]
Aeommai: Yub?
[still gets no response, then laughs slightly, then Khalid Sheik Mohammed shoots him in the head]
Khalid Sheik Mohammed: [he puts the walkie talkie up to the screaming crowd, then yells into the walkie talkie] You hear that? Talk to me, where is my Spamsitiution? Where is it or shall I shoot another one? Sooner or later, I might get to someone you do care about!
Yub: Go fuck yourself, Dual.