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Hot New Physical Specimen


SO, the ex hadn't even moved out yet and I found a hot rockin' guy. Or he found me or whatever. I was hanging out w/my old best friend who I haven't seen often for the last 4 years cause the ex hated him (there were semi-legitimate reasons) and we went back to his place to drink and watch Star Trek. His roommate was home and decided to watch with us. He was so incredibly hot and obviously out of my league that I didn't even bother trying to not come off like a dork. I had a ton of fun and I was saying all the lines and little factoids about the episodes and MSTing it. (BOBW Part 1 -- when Riker and Shelby got in the turbolift after meeting w/Picard about the saucer separation and Shelby says deck -- and Riker says halt I said "I'm going to RAPE you!" in my deepest voice and it was hysterical) So I was an unabashed (unashamed?) hardcore Trekkie that night, and my best friend went to bed but his roommate and I stayed up later and watched more Star Trek and he kissed me and it was awesome and I spent the next weekend with him and the weekend after that (this one) and he is soooo cool and soooo hot and he's a geek too so it is very awesome. He has ALL the Star Wars action figures except for six, and he has them all up in display in his room, and it is so cool!

Here is a picture of my hot new physical specimen:


I'm pretty sure that he gads about message boards, but he didn't really mention it because it is a little geeky and even I'm a little embarassed over my message board habits but I will crack up if he turns out to be someone from here or SDN.
Would you crack up if I said I recognized him?! Just kidding! Thanks for sharing Gonad! Good luck to ya! And yeah, hes hawt!
Yeah. I'm really happy about it because he is the only positive stress right now in a whole world of negative stress. And he's so cool to hang out with that I'd love to hang out with him even if attraction was not an issue, if he were gay or married or a eunich or anything. Just a lot of fun.
I swear he looks like this guy I dated once named Rocco-but your description doesn't fit him-heh, maybe I should scan his photo sometime and show you.
He was actually a swell guy. Yeah I said Swell.
Hell, I was just thinking of posting all my ex's pics here! That would be fun! And require work on my part-but w/e.
We'll see when you post the picture maybe. That would be really funny, yeah.
Gonad said:
Yeah. I'm really happy about it because he is the only positive stress right now in a whole world of negative stress. And he's so cool to hang out with that I'd love to hang out with him even if attraction was not an issue, if he were gay or married or a eunich or anything. Just a lot of fun.

What's his dick like? Is it big?
You quoted the wrong post.

In a different thread, I think. I will look for it.
Ah my bad...I had forgotten.

So, being a size queen is a new experience for you?
I don't entirely understand the term "size queen". Penis is penis, and penis is good. Variety is good.