
I want to smell dark matter
1) Ryan - It's Toadie! On Big Brother! He's Australian!
2) Lacey Banghard - A future national treasure.
3) Razor - Has been surprsingly amusing and non twattish.
4) Frankie - He's quite short!
5) Heidi and Spencer - She's at least entertaining in a lunatic way like Paula was (that whole scene with them exchanging rings tonight.)
6) Rylan - Oh drop me out! He's not THAT bad but the catchphrases and favouritism annoy me.
7) Gillian - She's okay?
8) Claire - Cries, flaps arms when nominates. Boring.
9) Tricia - Does she even exist?
10) Sam - Does HE evn exist?

The Tomtrek

Love Wookiee

1) Ryan - Yeah it's Toadie.
2) Claire - She seems like a nice normal person mostly and that's pretty good for this house.
3) Rylan - I mean he's sort of immature and annoying but he's not a prick about it.
4) Lacey - A generally normal person who just happens to have big breasts SO SHE MUST BE STUPID RIGHT.
5) Frankie - "Nice".
6) Razor - He's been alright so far but I feel like that could end soon.
7) Gillian - I have no opinion at this point because what has she actually done?
8) Sam - "The Pretty One" who doesn't seem be actually do anything except be "The Pretty One".
9) Tricia - I have no idea who Tricia is.
10) Heidi and Spencer - Okay so if it were just Heidi then maybe she'd be up a couple of places, because while she's still literally evil like Hitler she's at least reasonably entertaining. But fucking Spencer. He just sits there and moans. Smugly. He moans about how he doesn't want to do anything, and then moans about how much better he is because he didn't do anything. He's like a really lazy Hitler.


I want to smell dark matter
I just think Claire always looks on the verge of tears and what was with her nominating Toadie for working out "because it brings back bad memories"? It's not his fault she's scared of exercise.


I want to smell dark matter
1) Ryan - He is quite funny and intelligent and doesn't really get much screentime but that's not his fault.

2) Rylan/Razor - They are at least "being themselves" in ways that aren't completely negative and are active and acceptable Big Brother housemates. Both have various flas: Rylan is amazingly self-cenetered and not as amusing as the producers think and Razor is a bit sexist and sratches himself, but I'd take the over the rest.

3) Frankie/Claire/Tricia/Gillian - I'm fine with some housemates being more queit than others. Not everyone can be a "big character" (and big characters are often boohats.) I mean, I have Toadie at number one and he's probably considered "boring" by the mout-breathers on BOTS. But these four are CLEARLY holding back, all too scared to say anything that could be considered controversial in case if ruins their careers. Basically they're scared of turning into Denise Weclh. And that (much like Denise Welch) does not make good viewing. I think this was most perfectly illustrated when Lacey was trying to talk politics but ended up saying a load of crap because her only source for news is probably The Sun and any one of the four of them (well the three women were sitting there at least) could have stepped in and explained how she was factually incorrect or said they disagreed with her opinion or something...but they all just sat there, to scared to say anything, just willing to wait it out and collect their paycheque at the end. Or how about the crying during nominations because they don't want to be seen as saying anything negative (and as MY HERO RYAN proves it's possible to give good nominations without coming across as a boohat) and giving pathetic reasons like "he exercises!" and "she said she was going for a shit!"? Frankie can be highest ranked of the three as I liked the part where he was shooting the other housemates with his toy tank and Gillian can be last because she looks constantly terrified, but really they could all be merged into one housemate.

4) Heidi and Spencer - Just literally horrible people. Being kept in because viewers are so confused now about the whole "we always vote out the good ones!" mistaking any housemate who is featured in the highlights as being "good" just because they're "doing something" and forgetting that part of the fun of Big Brother is actually voting out horrible people.


I want to smell dark matter
1) Marcus - Okay he's ever so slightly creepy at times (but not in a potential rapist way like Sree and Kirk) but he's hilarious and has the heart of a poet underneath his gruff exterior. The juggernaut of the house.
2) Lauren - She likes bacon!
3) Victor - He's still funny.
4) Nikki - Say what you want about Nikki but she's still Nikki!
6) Benedict - Can't believe he masturbated in the garden for 24 hours to bring peace to the house. And it worked!
7) Maisy - Still rubs her breasts at inappropriate moments!
8) Sisqo - He brings the dragon!
9) Lydia - Love her crazy owl eyes.
10) Steve - His new legs have made him BETTER THAN EVER!
11) Rex - He's good when he's using his powers for good but potentially evil as well. Like Hannibal Lecter.
12) Caroline - Urgh, can't believe they put her back in...