How Sad


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
And it just forces me to hate my ex sister-in-law more than I already do!

My little, beautiful, sweet niece stayed home from school today because she has an upset stomach. It turns out she spent the morning worrying herself sick about her missing mommy. Granted, the kid is playing it for all it's worth now but it breaks my heart in pieces to see her cry over her useless mother.

My worthless sack of shit brother managed to fawn his baby daughter with "I love yous" before he began ignoring her for his hillbillie whore of a girlfriend. I wish I had a brownie badge to give him...Fucking father of the year that guy. :roll:

I've got to tell you kids, it kills me that that little girl would throw herself over a bomb for her piece of shit father or mother but would barely think twice about me blowing to bits. It explains why children of abuse cry when they're being taken away from their abusive parents.


Do people know how much pain they inflict on children, or do they just not care?

Some of us at least know not to have any.

Give that kid a hug for me.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Probably a little of both, Shat.

And then, of course, sadly, children who are abused, very often, grow up to continue the cycle of abuse - whether they're giving it, or receiving it.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
I've never abused my kids, ever, and they are 3HO these days...

Happy Holy and Healthy.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
They're not abused, thank God. There are enough of us around that they get more love than they probably even want but they get none from their missing mother and very little from my self involved, self absorbed sack of shit brother, the two people that should love them most of all and that they love most of all.

Shatna, you could not be more right! I've said it fifty times or more, if my brother and his ex-wife had just gotten another dog and a bigger boat and never had children they'd be married today. They are two of the most selfish pieces of shit ever created by God...Or the devil, I can't decide.

Kerb Crawler

Closed Fist of the Badlands
Sorry, LG; I should have said abused/neglected - not necessarily by you or the GOOD elements in their life, nor did I mean physical abuse, just the "abuse" and neglect of selfish, "deadbeat" parents.

They're lucky to have YOU! :)


Jack, your kids are awesome!
Sometimes, abused children grow up and DON'T continue the cycle.


Mrs. Big Dick McGee
^I wasn't offended, don't worry. I knew what you meant but they aren't neglected either, just by their parents. Since their cunt of a mother ditched them they are better taken care of than they've ever been in their lives thanks to my parents and myself. For all the years they've been covered under their mother's health and dental insurance they've never been to the dentist. She leaves them and promptly loses her job and we take them to the dentist only to find out my nephew has a mouth full of cavaties, some down to the roots. They get good balanced meals where as before their mom was too busy with work and the kids would only eat fast food and school food. They take vitamins, floss their teeth and get regular haircuts. They have new clothes and new shoes and never look like they just rolled out of bed like they did when they were with their mom. I'm quite proud of how well they're being taken care of now it just sucks that my lazy ass, good for nothing brother is getting all of the credit.


New Member
Kerb Crawler said:
Probably a little of both, Shat.

And then, of course, sadly, children who are abused, very often, grow up to continue the cycle of abuse - whether they're giving it, or receiving it.

Not all people.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Thank God you aren't breeding with anyone.


New Member
That's so sad LG. Did you ever find out where she took off to?