How soon do you think it's gonna be until the first Lost Convention?


Is this real life?
Dunno, have the Lost stars ever gone to any cons? I'm going to one tomorrow that has RDM and Esai Morales. The BSG actors are very good at the old fan service. There's always at least one of them at every major con over here, which is pretty impressive. I mean, I know they get paid well and basically get a free holiday, but it's still great that they come all the way here to sit writing their own names for hours on end.


Is this real life?
I'd like a photo of me with Matthew Fox where I'm pulling a Jackface and he doesn't know.


I want to smell dark matter
I'd have consentual sex with Evangeline Lilly, Emilie de Ravin, Elizabeth Mitchell and Tania Raymonde.


I'm suggesting that I find it somewhat difficult to believe that there has not been a single convention dedicated to a show as popular and with as large and devoted a fan base as Lost, especially considering its scifi-ish nature.

That's all, it could be true. Trust me I know nothing.


beer, I want beer
They actually already had one, but some idiot jackass turned the entry turnstile the wrong way and the entire convention hall went back to the early fifties.


Is this real life?
Ronald D Moore (I went to that convention I mentioned above). I'll make my own thread later.

Didn't know we'd had any LOST cons here, though I don't live near Northampton or wherever they took place. Sucks that there were low ticket sales, but maybe Lost fans just aren't the convention-going types in the same way Trekkies and others are. And organising a con around just one show in the UK seems pretty foolish unless it's a massively popular one. They did Heroes ones here, back when it was popular, but I don't know of any other cons that have been dedicated to only one show.


Let's fuck some shit up
Also, Lost doesn't have any funny outfits or excessive makeup that the fans can fuck up.

Pic related.



Is this real life?
Well, quite a lot of con attendees could dress up as Hurley without even having to get off the couch to buy a costume.