How Tisi should enjoy her tequila and oral servicing


Elder Statesman
Per this thread. However, later she specifies tequila.

I'm posting this WELL in advance of her next 24th birthday so she and her well-wishers/sex-slaves can practice.

1. Birthday Girl's choice of tequila.
2. Barber's shaving chair, with GYN stirrups added.
3. Chinchila fur coat or blanket
4. Warm towels.
5. Bucket of ice.
6. stool for the well-wisher at the foot of the chair.
7. 5 point harness
8. Police whistle
9. Pounding Thrash Metal Soundtrack and sound system.

Tequila application specialist
Breast assistant (2 needed)
Whistle blower
Bondage/safety supervisor and chair operator
Well wisher (may be more than one)

Place chinchilla fur accessory over the barber's chair, then place nude (or nearly nude, heels and stockings are acceptable) Tisi on fur with her heels in the stirrups. Secure with 5 point harness (Remember, Safety First!).
Recline Tisi. Hit the sound track.
Place warm towels over her face and neck comfortably, get "well-wisher" to work. Breast assistants at this point are also encouraged to begin vigorous chestal and nipple massage.
After about 2 minutes, hand well-wisher an ice cube to put in his/her mouth to continue oral servicing. Breast assistant's are also given ice but are NOT to apply it at this time.
As well-wisher continues, remove towels from face, pour tequila into Tisi's mouth, while turning the music UP louder, shaking her head vigorously and blowing the police whistle in her ears.
When she yells "What the FUCK!" and tries to kill the whistle-blower, have the well-wisher And breast-assistants apply ice and redouble efforts.
Re apply warm towels until she calms down.
Repeat at random intervals for the next hour.

P.S. this procedure CAN be used at Un-birthday parties too.

Sorry it's late Ms. T.


I want to be the whistle blower, but I would settle for being the safety inspector.


Elitist Redheaded Trollop
Wow. How do we get this implemented?


I love you
Can I be a whistle blower and a well wisher? When I blow the whistle I want Tisi to passionately come at me in anger and blah blah blah etc etc etc etc