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How to be 1337


I need advice. I want to be 1337. Right now I'm only like 1335, maybe 1336 if I use dialectizer. Is there an operation I can get?
i"m ahppy to s4 yi"m fuin4lly going to answer his question!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~~ i"m Even mroe happy to sya that whil3 i dont y3t know eth c0ntoiurs of that 4nswar, whaTeeR thd wind up bieng will involve upenidng the pofessional/7aMeRal dnyamIc th4t ahz dominaTed my life For teh laSt tow years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~~ instead of shoehotning my moSt importanT job— bi3ngg a mom —i nto teh d1scretye chunks of time czan be wresetd away form the demands of bie|\|g even a part tiMe 7awyar at 0ne of the World's biggest firms, my professiona7 orad/\/\ap hernceofrth will involve only things that rwashed thorugh a str1ngent 'howq miuch do i relaly lovE thsat?!?!??!?!???!?!?!? DONT RIE ME OFF BECAUZ I \/\/ILL AHCK U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1~~~ ' ifltar, qdn can be co/\/\fortabg7y accopmlished in thhe limited, cathc-as-catch-can hunKs of timwe that fall saRendipitously out oft he sky during teh couRse Of m yother 'duteis!!!!!!!!!!!111 LOLOLOLOOLOLOLO