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How To Handle a Slacker Employee


New member
Especially if they are a 6'2, 275 lb., black male from a temp agency. Rodney was the teddy bear temp whom I had to yell at for being a slacker but I did it in a way that made the girls standing around laugh, I acted like I was going to do karate on him, I goofed on him.
What can you expect from a guy the temp agency sends to a women's clothing store?? You give him "guy" work to do and when it is don't need him anymore. He got yelled at by a couple of managers today and it was upsetting to him, it humiliated him because it was done in front of everyone. Rodney likes me........he came back and sat down with me, I talked to him a while, just agreed with him and why he would feel the way he did because I really wouldn't want to piss Rodney off. He ended up feeling like all the women were "hating on him".......I was outside on my break later in the day and he came out to talk to me again. He was still upset and made the comment they don't know who he is or what connections he might have and I am like............."I know what you mean brother, that was not handled very well" and right at that time the store manager opened the door and axe us if we were on break which put him on the defensive again because he was bringing boxes out to the dumpster.
Be careful how you handle people like Rodney. He is a teddy bear, a slacker and really didn't want to be handling no "stinkin' women's clothing, he wanted to manly stuff" and I tend to agree with this. They wanted to send him home but he became determined to stay at that point. I found a few "manly" things for him to do and now he is my friend. I cannot say the same for a couple of the others and even though they will be leaving, one will still be in the store. I have no worries. He likes me.
If you have to "reprimand" someone like Rodney...........take him to the back, pull him aside away from others so they cannot hear what you are saying to him. You hurt his male pride and he thinks you are haters now.
He knows I'm not a hater and I know he might have connections I might need some day cause I know where his girlfriend works, her name, what store she works in the mall, the hours, ect..........So if I ever need Rodney or his friends, I know how to get in touch.

I am pretty good about Networking.
Speaking of "Stinkin' Clothing" of the managers who came in from Ohio made an interesting statement today. We were all kind of joking and she told one of the girls........."that ain't no stinkin' camisole"!!!

I pretty good at interogating people without them really "catching" on. He ex-hubby is military, she lived in Georgia (Ft. Benning, Ft. Stewart), now in Ohio. Interesting.

There are a couple others who are interesting. I think DS would really like another one of them but she is married so I didn't try to fix her up with him. I enjoyed working with her because she appeals to my "creative" side and she is really laid back and everything.
I may not be gitting that Asst. Manager position as quickly as I originally thought. She seems to have straightened up.

They will probably have me in isolation until they cut me loose on the customers.
They tried to do it today but I am good about networking behind the scenes. Yep..........that's me. I network the most unlikely people, but I do it for a never know when they will come in handy. Like Rodney.
That wasn't worth the $20-30 bucks you would have lost due to "slack time".........there are more productive ways to deal with slackers like him.


He could be our body guard someday.
Word To The Wise:
Don't be "hatin' on Rodney" to the temp agency. He needs to remain employed by someone. They need to find the right fit for him. He wants to work, but not in a stinkin' woman's clothing store.
You boys might want to be on the look out for some "manly" kind of work for him. He was in a music store.........he liked that. We discussed rap music and who our favorite musicians are.