How we lost the Spanish American War



Bureau figures released Wednesday show the U.S. population grew by 2.8 million between July 1, 2004, and July 1, 2005. Hispanics accounted for 1.3 million of that increase, with 800,000 attributable to natural causes -- births minus deaths -- rather than immigration.
Coupled with the high birth rate for Hispanics -- the Population Resource Center cites statistics showing the average Hispanic woman will have three children in her lifetime; it's 1.8 for non-Hispanic whites -- the number means Hispanics will make up an increasing share of the citizenry.

This is evolution in action folks. Breed or die. Personally, I figure the Hispanics can't do a worse job or running the country than we did the last eight years, so I for one welcome our new Hispanic Masters.
Hambil said:
This is evolution in action folks. Breed or die. Personally, I figure the Hispanics can't do a worse job or running the country than we did the last eight years, so I for one welcome our new Hispanic Masters.
I think the influx of third world migrants who can't assimilate like Europeans can is a huge part of the problem. Despite all of it's current administrative short-comings, Bush still runs the US better than the Mexicans run Mexico.
Not according to someone as out of touch with reality as Hambil. He no doubt thinks his life would be far better were he living under the benevolent rule of Vicente Fox.

Would that he would just go ahead and immigrate.
No one besides Hambil takes Hambil seriously anymore; but he takes himself seriously enough to make up for that.

And I think the Mexica racists who claim the U.S. "stole" the southwest are fucking hilarious. Just ignorant as all hell.
The Question said:
No one besides Hambil takes Hambil seriously anymore; but he takes himself seriously enough to make up for that.
That pretty much means he concedes defeat on all debates, if he doesn't bother to back up his opinions.

And I think the Mexica racists who claim the U.S. "stole" the southwest are fucking hilarious.
CoyoteUgly said:
Yeah, but the problem with that is: no one takes you seriously.

Uh huh. This from a supposed ex-minister who wouldn't know God if He came up and introduced Himself. have credibility. :roll:
Messenger said:
That pretty much means he concedes defeat on all debates, if he doesn't bother to back up his opinions.

Sure he does -- he just does it with more opinions, and seems to think that sufficient.

Two reasons:

1. The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.

2. The Gadsden Purchase.

The territory of the Southwestern U.S. was first conquered in open warfare (except in the case of Texas, which was at the time its own country, and underwent voluntary annexation to the U.S.) and then purchased by mutual agreement.

For Mexico and/or Mexican racist groups to claim that the U.S. stole that territory would be like someone selling you a car and then sneaking into your driveway and stealing it from you just because they decide they want your money and the car.

Of course, if you have the ACLU for neighbors, you're the villain if you try to stop them from doing it.
Friday said:
Uh huh. This from a supposed ex-minister who wouldn't know God if He came up and introduced Himself. have credibility. :roll:

Oh, I met God once. He autographed a couple of his records for me.
I heard God has been doing covers of Evolution stuff for awhile. And what's with that song He did called, "Platypus"? What was He on when He composed that one? O_o
The Question and Number_6...Sigh. Just Sigh...

CU...Meeting God once sounds about right for you. What in the world did you preach about? I hafta wonder...
All white folks better get to fucking, morning , noon and night.