How would Chris Nolan depict Robin & The Penguin?


Un Banned
I've read several reports around the web that Nolan won't have Robin & will not depict the Penguin because Penguin's "difficult to portray on-screen" as Nolan put it IIRC. But what if Nolan changes his mind? How do you think Nolan should or would depict the Penguin & Robin?

Me? I'd rather not see another pitiful penguin freak-man like Louie DePalma's penguin. I'd like to see a Penguin that was a serious version of Burgess Meredith's iconic Penguin from the 60's Classic Batman camp series & movie. Penguin should be a slick, possibly mafiosi, gangster thug. Someone like Paul Castellano or James Burke {Jimmy Conway in "GoodFellas"}. It can be done.

Robin? Same thing here. I'd like Nolan's Robin to be a serious version of Burt Ward's camp Robin. You should skip over, but briefly address Robin's origins with The Flying Graysons. Maybe via flashback or commentary.

I assume most folks know Robin's real moniker is Dick Grayson yes?

FYI, for those who don't know, The Penguins real name is Oswald Cobblepot.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
The only way The Penguin would work is if he's a slick gangster, who is always dressed to the nines (perhaps in a tuxedo, a "penguin suit"), British. Someone very aristocratic-looking, maybe a Pierce Brosnan playing against type, or Clive Owen (though he looks a little "thuggish" sometimes). He is ruthless and prone to outbursts of violence, and they call him The Penguin because he's an ice-cold motherfucker. Maybe he killed his own brother. Or maybe he dispatches his victims using an ice pick or something.

As far as Robin, I don't think there's a way to depict him in the Nolan Bat-Verse. Bale is too young-looking, too wrapped up in himself to have to worry about a "young ward". Robin was always a bad idea, even in the comics.

Eggs Mayonnaise

All In With The Nuts
Nolan's Batman is just getting started in his crimefighting career. Several movies could come and go before Bruce/Batman has aged and matured enough for Robin to come along. Hopefully, he will never reach that point.

Penguin? Meh. I want to see Nolan's Catwoman first.

Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
^^^I don't know about Catwoman, even. Unless she's just a glorified cat burglar, who dresses all in black. I just think a "costumed villian" undermines the seriousness of the Nolan Batman films. I mean, Scarecrow only used his mask as a tool to frighten people he dosed with his psychotropic drugs. And Joker wore a crazy suit, but it was really just a tattered suit, it wasn't a "costume" per se.

I just think you start to cross the line from serious to silly when you start having Batman fight costumed baddies. I'd rather he face The Riddler in a bespoke suit, or even Killer Croc, who's been mutated (or Clayface would be cool!).


Un Banned
Or Mr. Freeze? Done right this time. Riddler would be cool. Catwoman would be a good baddy to have too. I hope she's a nasty criminal bitch crook though & not the "Batwoman" Michelle Pfeiffer played.