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Big Dick McGee

If you don't know, now ya know
He's REALLY FUCKING ANNOYING ON THE LIVE FEEDS. His conversation skills seem to be limited to either talking about women's body parts, or repeating one of the following two phrases:

"Hi Janie/Kaysar/James/Will/Boogie"
"You're all right, Georgie"

I wanted him FTW behind Janie, but I dunno any more.


*loud farting noise*

I've been over him and his greatest hits for some time now. And the YER OK GEORGIEEEE sounds so dismissive whenever he or Janelle say it.

NOOOO! I can't explain it, but I like him despite his flaws! Not 'like-like' him, 'cause he's not my type, but he's a dude who thinks he's a jedi, and that's ok in my book, and I just like him who knows why it's like why do you like Eggs with Mayo on them most people would be like "ewww" but you're all like "don't yuck my yum".


One thing I noticed though: Like far too many white guys, Howie has NO CALVES. Thank God my legs don't go from thigh to chicken bones like his and James' and Will's.
You're right, that bunch of white boys have terrible legs. I mean terrible.

Howie is a big "meh" in my book. He's like a guy on a soap opera. After the first few minutes you know what he's all about. Very one dimensional.
I like Howie, always have...Probably because he's Janie's lapdog and I think it's cute. Howie's a good guy but he has no strategy what-so-ever.
I like Howie, but I am over my love of Big Brother All Stars... they keep making stupid moves. First Kayser doesn't get rid of CT, then James and now Janelle. I don't understand why they keep getting rid of weak players, when they could be getting rid of the strong ones.
Kaysar was sorry he came into the house about 3 days into the game. He'd be more than happy to go home anytime.

I sincerely hope they never do an All-Stars version again, and just do new games. This season is so doomed from the start mostly because all the players have been there, done that, and have agents's sickening to hear them talk like Hollywood types on the live feed sometimes..."my publicist picked out all the sunglasses I brought with me". Please.