Hulk Hogan craziness


I want to smell dark matter
Stolen from another message board, but it's all from the Wrestling Observer Newsletter originally.

32. "[Hulk Hogan] said the only time [he and Chief Jay Strongbow] didn't get along was when he was partying so hard in Los Angeles after Wrestlemania (which would have to be either 1986 or 1991) and that he partied so hard he had to kick out John Belushi, because Belushi couldn't hang with him. Considering Belushi died in 1982, I'd suggest Belushi probably couldn't hang with him." - (WON 2006-09-25)

53. "On "Hogan Knows Best" this weekend, when Hogan was going through his wrestling injuries, he mentioned that Undertaker dropped him on his head in 1974. Yes, he said 1974." - (WON 2006-11-06)

419. "Hogan did an interview on Toronto radio, and besides the usual exaggerations an unintentional comedy, (like Hogan vs. Rock is a must see match because both are at their peak of their careers) and said he came back because his son wanted to see Hulkamania run wild and when his father was dying of cancer, he asked him to clean up wrestling and get rid of the Jerry Springer sideshow element. The host said Hogan and Ali where the two most well known athletes in the world. I guess Shaq, Tyson and Jordan aren't athletes. He talked about how gimmicks like evil Germans and Indians stay over for about a year, but Hogan stayed over because he was himself." - (WON 2002-03-25)

430. About an Hulk Hogan interview in The Rolling Stone: "How's this line: "I'd go into the ring with it (his razor blade) in my mouth, cut my head, cut the referee (how many times do you think Hogan cut a referee?), cut the other wrestler and later on, drink beer all night with it still in my mouth (sure he did)." He claimed he made $20 million a year at his peak. I think $8 million would be more accurate at his peak in the late 90s with WCW when he had all those great cuts of PPV and merchandise. He claimed Randy the Ram was based on him because he used the word "brother" all the time (actually the usage of the word probably was based on him, but that's pretty much where it ended). He claimed the first Wrestlemania was viewed by 1 million people on closed circuit around the U.S. (actually about 400,000 but it was reported everywhere in the media at the time as 1 million so things like that become "fact" after a while). But the author did have one of the great lines in history, when he went on his usual spiel about Wrestlemania III. "The Rolling Stones were there a week before me and did 88,000 and the pope was there the week after me and did 80,000," he said. "It was the largest indoor attendance ever." The next paragraph read, "Factually, this isn't exactly true, but to Hulk, it is and always will be."" - (WON 2009-04-27)

446. "Hulk was on Bubba the Love Sponge this week and Bubba wanted Hogan to tell the story about the proposed Hogan vs. Mike Tyson PPV match. Hogan said they spent their time whining and dining Tyson, who kept being scared Hogan would shoot on him. [...] I don't know about Tyson being afraid Hogan would shoot on him, but who knows, maybe he saw "Rocky III" and thought it was real." - (WON 2009-06-03)

458. "Hogan said on the show that Andre was 700 pounds when he bodyslammed him at Mania. Then, in the Daily Telegraph, he claimed Andre weighed in the afternoon of the match at the Detroit airport at 308 kilograms (which would be 678 pounds.) Hogan also claimed that on 9/20 in Melbourne a Hell's Angel gave him a dirty look and tried to attack, 'So I blocked him, hooked him and took him down. It was over fairly quickley.' Speaking of Hell's Angels and Hogan, it also came out this week that a few weeks ago, Hogan left a threatening message to Chase Holfelder, the lead singer of the band 'The Miler After'. The actual tape went public off Holfelder's answering machine as Hogan told him to back off from Brooke, that he was messing with Hulkamania (seriously) and said that if he doesn't back up he's going to have Hell's Angels break his legs and he'll be singing hos concerts from a wheelchair." - (WON 2009-09-28)

472. "While in Seattle, Hogan noted that all the stories of him being romantically linked with Dolly Parton, Drew Barrymore, Brooke Shields and Pamela Anderson were untrue. I must have missed those stories." - (WON 2009-11-16)

478. "While flying to the U.K., I read the [new] Hogan book. If you're reading it for insight into his wrestling career, you'll be disappointed. Of course, he's completely full of it on almost every page. Om some cases, it may be memory problems. For example, in talking about how he and Muhammad Ali were good friends and always hung out together (translated, he met Ali a few times at wrestling shows), he noted how Ali raised his hand when he won the title for the first time at the first Wrestlemania. Well, Ali did raise his hand as the guest referee (outside the ring ref because Ali wasn't able to function as a regular ref by that point as had been advertised) at the first Mania, but it was not the match where Hogan won the title.


But he also talked about how he and John Belushi would party together and he would out-party Belushi. He used that story in his first book as well. The only problem is that in the first book, it only happened once, after Wrestlemania II (that was in 1986, Belushi died in 1982, making the story a little suscept). Now it's been exaggerated to something he regularly did during his first title reign (which started in 1984). He didn't do the shooting on Riki Choshu and beating him for real in a match he was supposed to lose story in his first match in Japan (he wasn't supposed to lose to anyone but the top guys on his first tour and it was a few years later before Choshu became a top guy, his first match in Japan wasn't against Choshu, and he didn't shoot on anyone). But now after the story about how Hiro Matsuda broke his leg on purpose to run him off (which is possible because in Florida, they were really mean in those days to guys who wanted to get in that they wanted to run off, but nobody else has ever verified that story), after it healed, he came back, and Matsuda tried again but he blocked very move Matusa started. Yep, after two days of wrestling, Hogan, who had never wrestled or studied submissions in his life, was able to block every move by a serious hooker. I mean he was big and strong and if he trained at it, sure. Then again, he also told a story about how when he was in high school, and he didn't even play sports in high school and never wrestled, there was this high school champion wrestler in his school and somehow they had a match and Hogan was scared, but, in fact, he pinned him in seconds which infuriated the wrestling coach so much that he challenged Hogan and then Hogan pinned him in seconds as well.

The stories about his schedule were the most incredible. He talked about wrestling 400 nights a year. He said the reason he could do it was because he would go back and forth to Japan such as wrestle one day in MSG, the next day in Japan, fly back to Boston, then fly back to Japan, which never happened, but he claimed by doing so, because of the time difference, he was able to actually live 400 days in a year. The problem is that yes, you can be in Japan and fly to California and because of the time difference, you can get home before you leave, but when you fly from California to Japan, you lose the day you pick up. In the end, it's still 365 days. I mean, how can anyone even print something so totally ridiculous?


In this book, he also never worked at a bank as he did in the previous book, where he claimed he worked at the bank the wrestlers went to, found that the guys were making $3,000 a week (the top guys working for Eddie Graham in the late 70s were making $1,000 to $1,500 per week) and that's why he wanted to get into wrestling.


His entire seven years in WCW is done in a few pages, and can be summed up by saying that he was retired from wrestling (not true, he was working in Japan) and Eric Bischoff and Ric Flair recruited him in (true). He then decided to turn heel (Bischoff wanted him to turn, he didn't want to) and he turned around the wrestling business. Then AOL bought Ted Turner's empire, and they sold the company to Vince McMahon. Nothing else important happened.


In the McMahon trial, the prosecution claimed he had used steroids from 1976 to 1989. At the time, Hogan admitted he used from those dates, but also noted a period after that time when he had lied to his wife about quitting and she got furious when she found out he had conceived while he was on steroids. In the new book, he and his wife weren't trying for a second child, and that she simply stopped using any birth control without telling him, then told him she was pregnant, and he was mad because he didn't know she was off birth control and would have gotten off steroids. But earlier in the book, when talking about his use, he copped the, 'we didn't know steroids were bad' argument for why he used then in the 80s, but when it comes to nailing Linda, he somehow realized that this drug didn't know were bad that he felt it important to get off while conceiving children." - (WON 2009-11-23)

493. "[Hulk Hogan] told a story about Paul Orndorff, saying they were friends in high school and took liberties with each other in the ring because they didn't like each other from high school. He also claimed Orndorff legitmately dropped him on his head doing the piledriver. For the record, Orndorff graudated from Brandon High School in 1967. Hogan graduated from Robinson High School in 1971." - (WON 2010-03-08)

518. "On the first Hogan radio show, he claimed that Chris Kanyon called him all the time in WCW and was always confused about his sexuality. Given that Kanyon was adamant about keeping that aspect of his life secret (the only person he told was Jim Mitchell as best we can tell until a few months before he went public years after WCW folded and told a few of his closest friends), that sound implausible.


Hogan also claimed the reason his movie career never took off was because a manly beyond my wildest expectations Hollywood producer came onto him when he was in his late 20s and he rebuffed him. I guess he must have watched that 20/20 episode in 1985 and channeled that he was Jim Wilson.


He said he talked to Kerry Von Erich for 11 hours on a flight from Japan to Los Angeles and three days later Kerry Von Erich killed himself. Needless to say neither Hogan nor Kerry Von Erich were in Japan that week.


The funniest story he told is that his wife accused him of having an affair with Brutus Beefcake. He claimed that Beefcake stayed at their home after his parasailing accident and was getting a blowjob from a blond woman. Linda's mom walked in and was convinced it was Hogan. Well, given that Hogan was pretty much bald by that time, and I don't know that Beefcake would have gotten a blowjob from a 6-5, 280 pound woman with back and arms that big, this is hard to believe. Now the idea that when they were fighting Linda was psycho enough in arguments to accuse him of that, I can completely believe that. I've seen plenty of psycho women arguments in my time.


Also, when he bodyslammed Andre, he now tore his lat, his biceps and his quadriceps doing the slam. Luckily he didn't read Bret Hart's book or he'd have had a major stroke on the spot as well, but didn't miss any dates because he was champion and you couldn't miss dates." - (WON 2010-04-19)

537. "Hogan was on Howard Stern on 4/29. [...] Hogan said he wasn't in charge of creative in TNA (if they were doing 2.0 rating he would though). [...] He claimed all of his movies were money makers, that they were made with $2-3 million budgets and grossed $30 million to $40 million. All I know is that Vince McMahon used to say that when he made 'No Holds Barred' that Hogan promised to pay him back if there was any losses and Vince said he's still waiting for that check. Just for the record, the grosses of the movies he starred in were 'No Holds Barred' ($16 million), 'Suburban Commando' ($7 million), 'Mr. Nanny' ($4 million), 'Santa with Muscles' ($375.000)." - (WON 2010-05-10)

538. "Speaking of Hogan, when he was discussing MMA with Dan Lambert, who runs American Top Team a few months back, he told him that he used to think MMA was real until Randy Couture smartened him up. Must have been the conversation where Verne Gagne invented MMA in giving a speech to Randy Couture and Chuck Liddell, who then told Dana White, who ran with it (according to the Greg Gagne version of the start of MMA).” - (WON 2010-05-10)


Good old Huckster. I've read a few of these before - the Belushi one is a notorius piece of Hulka-Shill bullshit - but hey, there's no denying the guy is entertaining, even if he's phoning up and threatening his daughter's would-be-suitors in character ;)


I want to smell dark matter
His wife thinking he was having an affair with Brutus Beefcake is the best.


I want to smell dark matter
And tore his cock muscle during.


Nah, if it's Hogan telling the story, his Cock Muscle would have whirled Andre around the room like a propeller whilst he had it shoved up his arse. IT'S THAT STRONG.