Hundreds of WMD found in Iraq since 2003!


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"We have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, chemical weapons," Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pa., said in a quickly called press conference late Wednesday afternoon.

Reading from a declassified portion of a report by the National Ground Intelligence Center, a Defense Department intelligence unit, Santorum said: "Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent. Despite many efforts to locate and destroy Iraq's pre-Gulf War chemical munitions, filled and unfilled pre-Gulf War chemical munitions are assessed to still exist.",2933,200499,00.html

What I find most interesting about this story is the absolute lack of interest of the Bush Administration, and what it says about Bush as a leader. This proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bush is not governed by polls, he does not let the whims of his enemies shape his policies.

Since 2003, the liberal left has been screaming like insane lunatics that the Iraq war would all be a lie if we found no WMD. Saddam Hussein promised there were none left in Iraq, the left shrieked, and we love him more than Bush because he's honest! Meanwhile Bush sat on this classified information every year, not even using it in the 2004 election to keep his job! While the left and the news media exploded with nonsensical pronouncements about how Bush lied to get Iraq's oil.

I can already predict how the psycho-crats and the treasonous Left will react to this news, why it was all made up, it was a convenient story like Zarqawi's death. I got news for you leftist losers, your total defeat in every election in my lifetime will be "convenient" as well, for the nation, just not for you.

The left lied, not Bush! I hope every liberal takes their precious DVD copies of Farenheit 9/11 and shoves them so far up their butts that they explode out the top of their worthless skulls.

The leftist loonies dont even want to talk about this. ROFLAMO
Bad Dog wrote:

The leftist loonies dont even want to talk about this. ROFLAMO

Yes Yes! LOL

Speck wrote:

I certainly hope that you don't think Bush doesn't lie.

Bush lied. We really did invade Iraq to steal oil for Halliburton. Gasoline is only a penny a gallon now that we've stolen it all!

bad dog said:
The leftist loonies dont even want to talk about this. ROFLAMO

Degraded Gulf War residue does not a mushroom cloud make. It's a non story with zero legs. Translation, disparate politicians will try anything. The MSM is laughing their asses off at the attempt. Faux News strikes again! LOL!
That terrible FauxNews, accepting faxed memos purportedly written during the early 70s but using Microsoft Word fonts and default word wrapping and proportional spacing.

Oh wait, that was CBS News, not Fox. My mistake!

Given how much this administration has had its hand up the media's arse like a ventriloquist and how often and to what degree they are able to spin the headlines, this is probably bullshit. With their track record, the burden of proof is on them that these are authentic, and the information accurate.

It's not enough that the Niger documents were exposed, or the Downing Street memo. No, everything can be washed away with a single report.

Ogami said:
That terrible FauxNews, accepting faxed memos purportedly written during the early 70s but using Microsoft Word fonts and default word wrapping and proportional spacing.

Oh wait, that was CBS News, not Fox. My mistake!


And that made the story untrue? ROFLMAO!

The weapons they are talking about are the ones Rummy sold Saddam.LOL

The Defense Dept admits it's Bullshit, keep grabbing at straws.:laugh:
The New York Post offers a little more detail, Dor_Jan:

Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte released the latest report at the request of two Republican congressmen. It says the sarin- and mustard-gas shells predate the 1991 Gulf War but are still dangerous.

"Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent," the report says.
Rafterman wrote:

And that made the story untrue? ROFLMAO!

Yes. If you offer what you claim is an authentic memo from the 70s detailing Bush's National Guard record, and any blogger can retype the memo on Microsoft Word using the default word wrap, font, and proportional spacing. Not to mention a superscript "th" which typewriters from those days didn't have.

Forgive me, Rafterman. I forget there are those too young to remember what a manual typewriter looks like. If you've only lived in the computer age, that's not your fault. But it doesn't help your argument.

The weapons they are talking about are the ones Rummy sold Saddam.LOL

Donald Rumsfeld sold Saddam Hussein weapons when? You said "Rummy", not me.

The Defense Dept admits it's Bullshit, keep grabbing at straws.

Yeah, it's a straw, whatever. But it's no mistake that Bush is fighing the war on terror single-handed. This was a deliberate choice by his critics, not to simply argue they could do it better, but to actively take the side of the enemy!

No wonder the Democrats treat it as a defeat for their side when someone like Zarqawi gets killed! I was just joking, I didn't really think the Left placed themselves on the same side as the terrorists. But maybe it's no joke. Thanks for correcting my misperception, Rafter.

Ogami said:
Rafterman wrote:

And that made the story untrue? ROFLMAO!

Yes. If you offer what you claim is an authentic memo from the 70s detailing Bush's National Guard record, and any blogger can retype the memo on Microsoft Word using the default word wrap, font, and proportional spacing. Not to mention a superscript "th" which typewriters from those days didn't have.

Forgive me, Rafterman. I forget there are those too young to remember what a manual typewriter looks like. If you've only lived in the computer age, that's not your fault. But it doesn't help your argument.

The weapons they are talking about are the ones Rummy sold Saddam.LOL

Donald Rumsfeld sold Saddam Hussein weapons when? You said "Rummy", not me.

The Defense Dept admits it's Bullshit, keep grabbing at straws.

Yeah, it's a straw, whatever. But it's no mistake that Bush is fighing the war on terror single-handed. This was a deliberate choice by his critics, not to simply argue they could do it better, but to actively take the side of the enemy!

No wonder the Democrats treat it as a defeat for their side when someone like Zarqawi gets killed! I was just joking, I didn't really think the Left placed themselves on the same side as the terrorists. But maybe it's no joke. Thanks for correcting my misperception, Rafter.


1.We sold Saddam tons of shit over the years to use against his buddies in Iran. Ever see the pictures of him and Rummy sealing the deal?

2.How do you think Saddam came to power to begin with?

3. Zarqawi really meant alot considering the last few news cycles out of Iraq.:roll:
Rafterman wrote:

1.We sold Saddam tons of shit over the years to use against his buddies in Iran. Ever see the pictures of him and Rummy sealing the deal?

This is why I asked you this just to be sure. Donald Rumsfeld has been Secretary of Defense since 2001. At what time during 2001 through present did "Rummy" sell Saddam anything?

Rumsfeld had the same job for President Ford in 1975, but unless he had a business on the side, I don't know of him selling anything to Saddam even then.

2.How do you think Saddam came to power to begin with?

"Rummy" hand-selected him? I'm not following your chronology here at all.

3. Zarqawi really meant alot considering the last few news cycles out of Iraq.

Considering the thousands of innocent Iraqis Zarqawi has murdered, I would think your natural reaction would be one of celebration at his demise. That is, unless you consider yourself on the same side. (Judging by your signature, that's a fair question.)

"Since 2003, coalition forces have recovered approximately 500 weapons munitions which contain degraded mustard or sarin nerve agent."

The weapons are thought to be manufactured before 1991 so they would not be proof of an ongoing WMD program in the 1990s.

Offering the official administration response to FOX News, a senior Defense Department official pointed out that the chemical weapons were not in useable conditions.

"This does not reflect a capacity that was built up after 1991," the official said, adding the munitions "are not the WMDs this country and the rest of the world believed Iraq had, and not the WMDs for which this country went to war."

Any questions?
Even with evidence to the contrary the left still clings to the same lies they have spread for the last couple years.

Yes, the US sold Iraq WMD's when we were allies. Not "Rummy", but the US of A. So what?

Well we knew Saddam was lying to us, the world, and the UN the moment the lies escaped his lips. Well everyone except those with the defame Bush at any cost camp.
Dark Link wrote:

Any questions?

None at all. Saddam Hussein was proven to have sought WMD, created WMD, and used WMD repeatedly against his neighbors and his own people.

He can't make any variety of any type now, because he's in the slammer.

Boo hoo.

Ask the French bastards that were helping Saddam to build his very own nuclear reactor whether Saddam wanted the mother of all WMD's or not. ;)
I think that's what Rafter meant to say, HeroicFool, he just wasn't articulate enough to do it himself.

We never sold Saddam Hussein chemical or biological weapons. Chemical weapons, of course, can be purchased as their raw ingredients legally and then assembled into illegal mixtures. Saddam Hussein was proven to have done this during the Iran/Iraq war (for which the U.S. voted in the UN Security Council to condemn Iraq). Biological weapons are a little trickier.

We never sold Saddam Hussein biological weapons. Baghdad University bought medical plague samples from an American samples company, and the U.S. government authorized the sale for plague research. Plagues are still a real problem in the Middle East, this was a humanitarian sale. What the UN inspectors found in 1991 (and was reported) was that Iraq was busy mutating the harmless biological samples we had sent them into airborne biological weapons.

So did Uncle Sam sell Saddam Hussein WMD? No. Did Saddam Hussein try to grow bioweapons out of harmless medical samples? Yes.

Whether he succeeded or not is irrelevant, because we stopped his ass. The only WMD he'll be producing now will be on his prison toilet.

Heh, it's a fine line and one that really doesn't matter.

We have sold Saddam plenty of conventional weapons in the past and they kill just as dead. Admitting to our faults is the best way to diffuse eventual Dem accusations, even though they will still proceed with utmost glee to make those same accusations. Admission beforehand just ensures that everyone wishes that they'd shut the fuck up already once they start in. ;)

Since the US does not use chemical or biological weapons ourselves, of course, we had none to sell.
HeroicFool said:
Ask the French bastards that were helping Saddam to build his very own nuclear reactor whether Saddam wanted the mother of all WMD's or not. ;)

Would those be the same French bastards that helped Israel build their Demona reactor? And would that be the same Demona reactor they refuse to allow international inspection of?