Hurt Feelings


Marry me, $M Gayboy!
To you nasty little boys - and you know who you are - it would hurt my feelings that you are such mean and nasty little boys if you were good looking but you aren't.


actually I'm good looking


Marry me, $M Gayboy!
You mean the picture of that poor boy you tried to pass off as a picture of you. Guess you forgot about the part where I proved you a liar.

Proove you are good looking. And I don't mean good looking with a hood over your head.


Pinata Whacker
To you nasty little boys - and you know who you are - it would hurt my feelings that you are such mean and nasty little boys if you were good looking but you aren't.

You're right...I'm not good looking....

....I'm GREAT looking.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Considering how hideous you are physically, my guess this is a more even failed troll than burning your main.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
To you nasty little boys - and you know who you are - it would hurt my feelings that you are such mean and nasty little boys if you were good looking but you aren't.



The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Sing us a song, Pig Princess.

The Question

I'm good looking, you pig-licking shitwaffle. Now stuff your ass up your ass and vanish in a cloud of stinky brown paradox.


beer, I want beer
Hey El, while you were gone some dick from Reject Haven was pretending to be you. You should consider legal action.


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
Empress E:
you should remove that photo

Ok PP, just say "pretty please with LOTS of sugar on top"


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
This troll is even lamer than her 6 and a half years of racism and vileness.