moral imperfection
what do you guys think would happen if I, in accordance with paragraphs 16 and 19 of our current Spamstitution, would simply change the Spamstitution into this:
1) There is no institution called 'The Citizens' List' in the Badlands.
2) Ilyanna is Moderator as long as missmanners wants.
3) The Moderator may merge, de-merge, lock, unlock, sticky, and unsticky posts in the Badlands.
4) This Spamstitution can only be modified by missmanners or the Moderator.
mm, would you be ok with this? :bigass:
1) There is no institution called 'The Citizens' List' in the Badlands.
2) Ilyanna is Moderator as long as missmanners wants.
3) The Moderator may merge, de-merge, lock, unlock, sticky, and unsticky posts in the Badlands.
4) This Spamstitution can only be modified by missmanners or the Moderator.
mm, would you be ok with this? :bigass: