Troll Kingdom

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That's in the circular model of time where if the planet gets too bored it loops back around to the beginning. A mobius strip of time, i think they call it...
Shall we? Who's to say our linear perception of time is quite off the mark and in fact we are on a figurative roller coaster of time... wherein basic events and personalities repeat themselves at set intervals over the eons and millenia?

For instance, maybe Wacky used to be a three toed sloth. Or a sabre-toothed tiger. Who's to say?
I posted something really profound in reply to that but it wasn't lost in the server mood. HOWEVER, it still exists in some parrarrel universe somewhere so I will not weep.
That's the facinating thing... everything you can think of is possible. If it's not entirely plausible in this universe, there is surely a universe where it is common as pie. Pie's not all that common in my universe, but I wish it was.
So there's a universe where I'm in Big Brother with Nikki AND WE'RE HAVING LIFE SEX AS SIX MILLION VIEWERS WATCH?