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I am getting GOOD at praying!!!


New member
Since I took the prayer class at my church...........I have been kicking ass with my prayers. I kid you not, everything I have prayed about..........comes true. Everything I ask for..............I get. Everytime I want information............he gives it to me, usually in the form of dreams or some outward sign.

Since I had off today, I decided to start a prayer journal!! I pray everyday, but I am going to do the journal every week so I am not overwhelmed by all the answers and everything I am seeing. I also write down everything I pray about, ask for, ect...........during the week and then I will go back to see how he answered all of them.

This is really GREAT!!! The more I do it, the better I get. If I were you guys, I would start being good cause you wouldn't want me to sic God on you.
Oh is one thing I prayed about and wrote in my journal today. It was about my taxes and how I couldn't do them myself because it was complicated this year since I moved and I sold/bought a house and I probably have a lot of write-offs and stuff but I couldn't afford to hire an accountant to do them since I am broke.

I'm thinking he will send an IRS agent to me. This should be interesting.