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I am Insane

So I was aimlessly wandering around today and I saw like............three Hummers and I thought to myself.......what is the deal with Hummers???? Then I saw a car display and thought...........I KNOW!!!! back in the day I sold cars for Jews when I lived in CO. I remember my old boyfriend (whom I almost married) told me if I ever got in trouble what to do cause I think he knew 23 years ago that I would end up on the lam or something. So I stopped and talked to this really nice guy, told him I need a job, he couldn't axe any questions, I am in the middle of a CONSPIRACY and I am not the insane one.............they are.

He took down my name and number, axed me if I needed a place to stay, then said he would find a job for me within a week or two.

Things are looking up.
Oh..........I told him I am the Prophetess Deborah and he completely could relate which is why he immediately axed me for my name & phone number.
This is Coach.


His mom, Chaka, was from Somalia. She was rescued and brought back by the person who gave me Coach because he knew I needed a beautiful German Shepherd. The reason I sold my house to this lady who bought it is because I knew she wouldn't build a garage over his grave.
I think it is a CONSPIRACY!!!!! Why should there only be two international bidness schools and one of them is in AZ????

Think about it.
I like the new Volvo SUV's. The price tag isn't too bad as far as SUV prices go but who wants a freakin' gas guzzling vehicle that contributes to Islamic terrorists?

That is a question all of you need to think about. Buy a small car that you can fill up and drive for a month on one tank of gas. If you can't do that........think of the new hybrids that don't use that stinkin' crap that supports corrupt governments.
You get tax breaks if you buy them. Think about that too!!! Buy a hybrid car, put an IRS employee out of a job. You see, we can overcome this bureaucratic system if we don't contribute to it. Plus, it is a lot easier to "blend" in when you aren't driving some stinkin' Hummer that stands out like a damn Army tank.