I apologize jack...


He was IP banned again..... left over from when he was IP banned last time. I forgot to remove all of the ranges.



I'm not wearing any panties!!
She did it just for the lulz. :bigass:


The Legendary Troll Kingdom
It's all good...I figured as such.

I proxied in and couldn't figure it out, so instead of melting down I just figured I'd ask what happened.

Much love.

Mommy Bridgette

New Member
It was my fault, I didn't unban all of your ranges I guess.


Miss Manners, I am writing to you asking you to ban two of the most morally reprehensible subhumans who pollute this fine board of yours. The two moldslime I am reffering to call themselves Dork Lord and Jack.

First, the scum Jack. jack is a misogynistic psychopath who has told me he wishes to rape me, has reffered to me using a "C" word and has dispolayed a shocking hatred for all women. This monster also described feeding me my own entrails. It is obvious that he is far too demented to be on your fine website, Miss Manners. I and The T.F.V.A.T.P.T.K (The Traditional Family Values Alliance To Purify Troll Kingdom) encourage you to do the right thing, the moral thing and BAN jack!

The second person is a demented drug addict named Dork Lord. Dork Lord proudly boasts of his use of illegal substances and also is outspoken about being a compulsive masterbater. I fear that the Dork Lords example will lead millions of innocent boys and girls into the depths of immorality and sin. How would you feel, Miss Manners, that because you allowed Dork Lord to remain here, Troll Kingdom users were following his example and becoming wasted, diseased heroine addicts squatting in abandonded buildings with their bodies covered with puss ozzing sores? How would you feel to know that their becoming hollow eyed compulsive masterbaters who go to porn theaters wearing overcoats and abusing themselves in the darkened thater to the filthy, purile images shown? If you cast this pervert out, you may save millions of innocents and send a message to these degenerates that we will not allow wasted, drug addict masterbaters to use this board to satisfy their insatiable desire to stare at degrading pictures of us women, Miss Manners.

We beg you to band both jack and the Dork Lord. Do it for troll Kingdom, do it for the Family and if not for them, then DEAR GOD, do it for the children!!