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I banged Love Child last night.

HI gonad.
I am going to continue to dig up old posts for fun.
watha up to?
(Im really no good tonight-due to my lack of sleep-and well I have no Karma to give til the 24 hours is up. )
Well, tell me the rules behind karma. I'm too lazy to learn them beyond how to give it.
Go ahead and talk to Friday instead if you want, I don't mind spamming my stuff.
Soo, when you look at my name? or Friday's name-do you see a scale next to it? You should see one when you look at your name-but if you can give it to other people there will be a scale next to the name-click on it.
I can click it, and give karma.
The rules I'm asking about are more like how (or if) it relates to points, and if giving karma affects my own karma, and how much karma I'd have to give for it to stop me for 24 hours (like it did you).

Those kinds of rules.
Gonad said:
I can click it, and give karma.
The rules I'm asking about are more like how (or if) it relates to points, and if giving karma affects my own karma, and how much karma I'd have to give for it to stop me for 24 hours (like it did you).

Those kinds of rules.

Ok, I think its 100 or something-so you can give it out 100 times tonight!
And it doesn't affect your score, it helps, because the more people you Karma-positively-the more will Karma you.
If you negative Karma ofcourse-well I don't go that route very much.
You can't give Karma to the same person twice in a row.
So remember to alternate.
If you want give Karma to Moon child-that is me-and we will Karma all night long. Where is Preat?
No, but thank you. At this point in time I would prefer to focus on my post count. At some point in the future I will definitely explore BOTH ends of the karma spectrum!