I believe I'm threatened with being banned on a mugen forum.


Un Banned
Actually I'm not:(

I only posted this thread to find out what the phuck a mugen forum IS.

I haven't Clue 1 what a mugen forum is. I had to trawl y'all in here with that beacon of a thread title so you can tell ME:)

So, what the PHUCK is a MUGEN FORUM?
Some faggot uses a name which brags about being banned by TrekBBS? Shit, I was banned from there inside of 5 minutes. Fuck off amateur.
Oh, good. For a minute there, I thought that mm was gonna adopt another falconarg.

LOL @ nobody answering his question. TK hasn't lost it's touch.

Carry on folks.
What are the other six?

CaptainWacky in the rEFCL thread downstairs in The Mine Field said Big Blew spawned 7 boards answering my inquiry:)

#1 is this here Crimson Black. #2 would be Great White. #'s 3-7? You got me there kid:phpquestion:

It would seem LoNAF & rEFCL are #'s 3 & 4:phpquestion:

& #'s 5-7:phpquestion:

Y'got me:redface: