Troll Kingdom

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I believe the following TK'ers might be mentally unstable/insane

^I'm not too sure, you look kinda sick to me.

Better go in for evaluation. Just put your wallet and other valuables in this bag (for safe keeping) and see the nurse down the hall. Never mind the ship in the background...
^I'm not too sure, you look kinda sick to me.

Better go in for evaluation. Just put your wallet and other valuables in this bag (for safe keeping) and see the nurse down the hall. Never mind the ship in the background...

Is that what that deafening sound is. Hmm all this time I though it was a ship in my head. Which I'd learned to live with as long as the cats stayed quiet and I could get a decent breakfast burrito.

Don't even get me started on the perpetual motion mechanism design issue. I won't donate my notes. No matter how much gold they bury in my backyard.

Believe you me, I know exactly why she's here. And it's got nothing to do with the remainder of the film stock. BTW That shit degrades over time so you might want to send someone over in the next few days.

Now for the last time - that testicle was stolen. Not "lost".