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I cannot stand this


New member
M says:
I cannot stand this

M says:
ALl of them

M says:
The whole stinking lot of them

M says:
They shouldn't be citizens, or even allowed to have an opinion

Yes, that's at 95% of all of you who have ever posted in Hambil Nation or Right Thinking.

It is impossible for most of you to consider something which contradicts your myopic view of the world, isn't it? Because you are on the Internets, you are so smart that there is absolutely nothing more to be learned in life, is there?

Has Blindgroping ever read a fucking book in his life, or was it too long for him?

Should this post be more balanced for Laker Girl? Yes, let's make it more balanced, because reality is always fair and balanced, right? Like Bush has his good sides too, right?

The left is no better. They are, in fact, worse when it comes to their cowardice here. It's a cowardice of refusing to learn anything outside of the said myopic viewpoint.

Do all roads lead to Bush with you people? Would the Left here have anything to fucking discuss if it wasn't for his paltry existence?

Do they know anything outside of their list of evil Republican scandles which do nothing but reinforce a larger truth which they keep themselves completely in the dark about?

Christ, that 95 of you are so pathetic, and I absolutely can no longer stand slowing myself down to your snail's pace of thinking because of your limited fucking grasp on reality. If it were up to me, none of you would have the right to vote, because your vote and voice originate from a source of information which is a mile deep and an inch wide, which zero peripheral perception, and zero ability to absorb information which doesn't conform to your psychological profiles.

It's your fault people like Bush are allowed to take power. Tell me, how many of you were able to keep your patriotic spurs in check and actually question Bush's official story when 9/11 took place?

You do remember the scandal about millions of dollars worth of airline stock being sold right before it happened, right? You are informed of the case of the dancing Israelis taking pictures of the rubble, or the truck which was suspected to contain explosives being stopped contained nothing but Israelis gloating on how 'Now America knows what we go through.'

Of course you remember, because you are 100% informed, just as you were before you clicked this thread open, you fucking sheep. I bet if the Israelis were Republican or Democrat, why, you'd be breaking your keyboards over proving your point!

An opinion and the capacity to vote are not a right. They must be earned through a display of unbiasedness, informedness, and neutrality.

You have not earned this right, and you are not willing to earn this right.
I like you Messenger but.....

I like how loopy can only post thru the slats. That's pretty funny. :bigass:
Whoa. Isn't that kind of backwards though? Wasn't the whole topic on how everyone are sheep? How sheeplike is it that we can only agree with you Messe? I don't agree or disagree. But just because someone has a different viewpoint than yourself does not make theirs wrong or yours right. Not everybody is going to agree on everything. Thus why their are different parties like the Democrats and the Republicans. Sometimes there has to be "wrong" choices made for things to evolve into something "right".

Ok, continue on. Just my two cents.
Lilith said:
Whoa. Isn't that kind of backwards though? Wasn't the whole topic on how everyone are sheep? How sheeplike is it that we can only agree with you Messe? I don't agree or disagree. But just because someone has a different viewpoint than yourself does not make theirs wrong or yours right. Not everybody is going to agree on everything. Thus why their are different parties like the Democrats and the Republicans. Sometimes there has to be "wrong" choices made for things to evolve into something "right".

Ok, continue on. Just my two cents.

Actually I thought that his point was that everyone is cemented in their own camps - especially on the intraweb - to the point of systematically shutting down any objectivity they once had. They refuse to open their eyes lest their little clubs that they so vehemently support and live by are proved wrong. They will fight and fight and fight but pride will always win because neither side can accept a truth that directly conflicts with their own personal belief system.
Lilith said:
Whoa. Isn't that kind of backwards though? Wasn't the whole topic on how everyone are sheep? How sheeplike is it that we can only agree with you Messe? I don't agree or disagree. But just because someone has a different viewpoint than yourself does not make theirs wrong or yours right. Not everybody is going to agree on everything. Thus why their are different parties like the Democrats and the Republicans. Sometimes there has to be "wrong" choices made for things to evolve into something "right".

Ok, continue on. Just my two cents.

We all follow our particular shepherd. Mine just happens to be the right one to follow...