I can't believe there's not a Halo3 thread...

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
I don't know why this game is so popular. It's a generic FPS with an horrible story.

Marquis De Sade

I came for the spankings
The only FPS'es I used to play are the one produced by Monolith studios (If I remember the name correctly).

* Blood 2 - The Chosen was so cheesy, badass, and Uwe Boll-esque that you end up liking it.

* SHOGO : Great story, gameplay alternates between on-foot missions and ones on a mechanized unit. Story follows the MGS scheme with lots of betrayals and plot twists.

As for multiplayer games, Outlaws was the shit. First Person Shooters were good 10 years ago. Now, I wouldn't touch anything but Metal Gear Solid and Final Fantasy games, If I have the time.

Love Child

One Love
I know who the gamers are here. And I also know that not too many are interested in console games, much less H3, so I never bother LOL. But it sure has been fun playing with you! I am still trying to get some funny screen shots from our games.