I dare someone to go up to Jamie Bulger's mum...


I want to smell dark matter
And scream "FUCKING GET OVER IT!" in her face.


FBI parte due

Folces Weard
Jamie? WHITEY?



I agree with her in this case. Once human trash, always human trash in Venables' case.


Is this real life?
I liked how ITV News said she'd "broken her silence today" when she's been talking in the press and on Twitter for days on end now.

I don't actually think that the public in general need to know the specifics of the case, but I think it's fair to let her know what Venables has been charged with. There are already so many unique circumstances that I don't think one more would make a difference, and if it puts her mind at rest (though it's more likely to confirm her suspicions, than do that) then it'll be worth it.

The wider public don't need to know anything further IMO, not until after the trial. There's no reason for anyone to know what he looks like or to be informed of the specifics of his alleged offenses, other than to sate their nosiness. If and when he's had a fair trial, that is when the full details should be released.


Why should the offender be given a life's grace of being protected with complete blanket anonymity, when the victim's family will forever be in the public eye?

You're damn right the full details should be released. He's a public menace that was an offence waiting to happen.


Can I have Ops?
There is absolutely no benefit in anyone knowing what his crimes were apart from voyeurism.

We all claim to want her to have some peace, but in reality we all want to know the sordid details.

He should be locked up, but us knowing has no relevance whatsoever.


I want to smell dark matter
(I posted this thread during my "heel turn".)

But yeah, I don't know what good knowing his crimes would be. And the whole "remove hs secret identity and put his address in The Sun!" thing is never going to happen so...