Troll Kingdom

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I don't care

WTF? Why is my pic in a spoiler now? DIRK IS POWER MAD.

Not my words.

"Do not post pornography or shock images without a NSFW tag in either your thread title or - if in someone else's thread - spoiler tags with NSFW above the spoiler image. The NSFW tag is NOT needed if posting barely clothed males or females with genitalia somewhat covered. TK is neither a shock or porn site. Remember that."
Not my words.

"Do not post pornography or shock images without a NSFW tag in either your thread title or - if in someone else's thread - spoiler tags with NSFW above the spoiler image. The NSFW tag is NOT needed if posting barely clothed males or females with genitalia somewhat covered. TK is neither a shock or porn site. Remember that."

I obtained that picture by searching the word vomit on Googles images on the Moderate setting. Now if it's good enough for Google, surely it should be just peachy for TK, yes? It's not porn. I find the pic amusing enough. It's as cheesy as an 80's b-grade horror movie, IMO. I find other pictures on this site uncensored to far more shocking.

I believe Dirk oversteps his authority.
Adding a spoiler tag is hardly overstepping my authority. I'm not going to debate my moderator actions with you.
Not my words.

"Do not post pornography or shock images without a NSFW tag in either your thread title or - if in someone else's thread - spoiler tags with NSFW above the spoiler image. The NSFW tag is NOT needed if posting barely clothed males or females with genitalia somewhat covered. TK is neither a shock or porn site. Remember that."

I think technically Menty stated NSFW should be posted directly above the spoiler tag to warn members that the spoiler does indeed contain material not safe for work.

No clue. Unless they mean the naked breasts. I've seen pics in the Tearoom (without spoiler tags) that are more offensive than this one. (Which, btw, is a CD cover from a Russian metal band and, last I checked, openly available in the US.)