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I don't want kids

Love Child

One Love
It has been re-confirmed for me today that I know that I definitely do not want to have children. Its kind of a freedom when you realize this. There is a sadness in knowing I won't go down that road. But I'm ok with it. I am far too selfish to have kids. I just really don't care. I like kids, I like other peoples kids, but I don't want any of my own.

I might adopt one day. I just don't want to be responsible for bringing someone into the world.

Thats all.

Do you want kids and why? How do you know you want or don't want kids?
I don't want kids. I'm not a fan of them, and I also don't want to be tied down having to take care of one.
One of my cats is a feral cat that we took in while trying to find my other cat that looked very similar. We are trying to tame him.

Ironically we found the other cat 2 days later.
It has been re-confirmed for me today that I know that I definitely do not want to have children. Its kind of a freedom when you realize this. There is a sadness in knowing I won't go down that road. But I'm ok with it. I am far too selfish to have kids. I just really don't care. I like kids, I like other peoples kids, but I don't want any of my own.

I might adopt one day. I just don't want to be responsible for bringing someone into the world.

Thats all.

Do you want kids and why? How do you know you want or don't want kids?


Yeah, umm...NOOO! LOL, i soooo agree with u LC. Stay childless & free ALWAYS! :)
I don't want kids. Ironically, I already have a son, and LG is pregnant with another son. GO FIGGER!

The boys aren't that crazy about you anyway.


I love children, I always have. I spent my teenage years as a highly recommended babysitter. All I ever wanted was to get married and have children, I just thought it was the greatest thing to do EVER. Turns out, I was right but I also think I did enough and waited long enough to not feel like my youth was wasted on baby making and raising.

I was 25 when my oldest nephew was born and the minute I laid eyes on him I knew what unconditional love was. I would seriously kill anyone that would even think about harming that boy. Then when BDM and I started co-habitating and I started taking care of his step-son full time I realized that I could have that same unconditional love for a child I wasn't blood related to. God do I love my step-son, he is the love of my life and I will brutally murder anyone that even thinks about harming that boy.

So now that I'm pregnant with my very own little sprout I am completely overwhelmed with emotion. As hard as being pregnant can sometimes be, and I complain when I shouldn't because I've had an incredibly easy pregnancy so far, it is everything I've ever dreamed of and I get more and more excited about meeting my new son every day.

Kids are THE BEST!