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I Feel Sorry For Myself


New member
I am stuck in DayCare, I have a week off and all I am doing is working, I am poor, I may have to have a root canal, I basically fall in the 45 million unisured Americans because my crappy policy only covers hospitalization, I haven't had sex in two years (I don't count the Nub incident), I am tired, I never have fun, I decided to cook chili last night but was too tired to eat it, when I warmed it up today and started eating it I found a severed finger, someone tossed a dead bird in my yard which means the stalkers are serious about their intentions and now I really fear for my life, I have a criminal record and will never be able to get a government job because my sister said even though they tell you your record is expunged..........the government still has it in a secret database.

It sucks to be me sometimes.
don't join the circus there are all kinds of infectious things there also it's hard to sue the roadies they don't have real addresses and mostly theyir names are fake.
^^Tell me what you think TQ. I get all kinds of Unknown, 866, 877, 800, 423 phone calls that you can't chase down...............
But this was a FIRST:

The first three are toll-free numbers. Probably debt collectors. Heh, heh heh. The last one is just someone who knows better than to talk to a batty rummy cunt such as yourself with a number you can call back on.
FederalAgent007 said:
^^Tell me what you think TQ. I get all kinds of Unknown, 866, 877, 800, 423 phone calls that you can't chase down...............
But this was a FIRST:


In case I catch you in a non-crazy moment: have you ever stopped and thought "I brought all this shit on myself"?

Okay, re-commence bein' crazy!
^^I brought a false arrest on myself?? maliciously created on a government owned compooter by government employees?
then a burglary charge was thrown in for good measure!!

I don't blame anyone here other than the people who were part of the criminal charge and the subsequent greediness/laziness. It is too late for them.

Try to make me out to be crazy all you order to try and cover up what you have done.
The Question said:
The first three are toll-free numbers. Probably debt collectors. Heh, heh heh. The last one is just someone who knows better than to talk to a batty rummy cunt such as yourself with a number you can call back on.

Sooooooo.............are you saying I won't be able to "chase it down"? I believe the same arrogant, superior assholes are right here in DayCare that were here when I was explaining this whole process.

Taking you through it step-by-step.

How this whole thing was going to go down.

It was quite easy to lead you down the path.

That's cause I am crazy and you are the smart ones.

*Jillian smiles at the smart ones*
FederalAgent007 said:
^^I brought a false arrest on myself?? maliciously created on a government owned compooter by government employees?
then a burglary charge was thrown in for good measure!!

I don't blame anyone here other than the people who were part of the criminal charge and the subsequent greediness/laziness. It is too late for them.

Try to make me out to be crazy all you order to try and cover up what you have done.

Alright! I confess!! I did it!! All from here in Canada!! Our RCMP has been questioning me for days. They have been asking about TK and what 'goes down' on that site. Damn. You caught me!! I had better check Canada's extradition laws regarding the U.S.A. *eyes roll upwards*