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I found myself agreeing with Karl Lagerfeld the other day

Big girls have better voices due to body structure stuff. That's why fat girls do opera. Nothing wrong with a meaty girl onstage...
Didn't say all, there's always a curve (lol see what I did there) but the idea is that bigger voices are made from fat around the vocal chords or something, and that's hard to do without porking up the rest of the body. It's an operatic theory when non-miced staging is involved, and is pretty much negated by modern amplification techniques. Voice training is voice training IMO and some of my favorite singers are skinny little things.

It's pretty much like any other theory; open to interpretation.
I also don't have a problem with Adele BEING fat. The thing I have a problem with is that we can't say it. The Elephant in the room analogy made real.
Oh I didn't know we weren't supposed to talk about it. Over here it's kind of a bonus "Oh look we're not shallow, we like the fat girl the best"
I suppose people just find it awkward to say that being obese and smoking is terrible when it's provided us with this brilliant voice. It shouldn't be a contradiction to say that being unhealthy is bad, but everyone's always so concerned about being misinterpreted these days.
I also don't have a problem with Adele BEING fat. The thing I have a problem with is that we can't say it. The Elephant in the room analogy made real.

Seriously, I hate how she's a SACRED COW in the media who you can't say anything bad about, YES she's obviously a huge (lol) talent and Britain should be proud of her success and all that shit, but all "FIRE EVERYONE AT ITV FOR CUTTING OFF ADELE'S SPEECH!!!" stuff is ridiculous. People get cut off at awards shows. Maybe it shouldn't have happened but it shouldn't be fucking headline news.
Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater, though. Firing everyone at ITV sounds like a brilliant idea to me.
She does actually look pretty good now. I think having her hair long rather than tied back (which kind of accentuated the sphericity of her head) makes her look voluptuous, rather than morbidly obese.
If Adele were posing in Playboy and wearing bikinis and minidresses and asking us to wank to her, then her appearance would be fair game.

But she's not. She keeps herself covered up, and all she asks of us is that we enjoy her voice. And the eyelashes.

SO BACK OFF, KARLHEADS. SHE'S PERFECT. Well the eyelashes are a bit much...