I want to smell dark matter
Probably the only thing I'll ever love.
Yesterday at the store there were so many bags of chips and I wanted some so bad, but in the end I couldn't decide and i left the store without any.
Lay's Cheesy Garlic Bread Potato Chips Wins 'Do Us A Flavor' Contest
Posted: 05/07/2013 10:24 am EDT | Updated: 05/07/2013 2:06 pm EDT
If you've turned on the TV in the past several weeks, perhaps you've seen chef Michael Symon or actress Eva Longoria shilling for Lay's "Do Us A Flavor" contest. In the commercial, Longoria samples the three new Lay's potato chips finalists that were suggested by customers: Sriracha, Cheesy Garlic Bread and Chicken & Waffles. She can't decide which one tastes the best so she asks you -- the viewers -- to help her.
Well, the people have spoken and Cheesy Garlic Bread has been crowned the newest potato chip flavor. The flavor was conceived by Karen Weber-Mendham of Land O’ Lakes, Wis. As a prize, she will receive either $1 million or one percent of Cheesy Garlic Bread’s 2013 net sales -- whichever is higher. Not a bad deal for simply submitting a flavor to Frito-Lay. The two runners up will each receive $50,000.
We tasted the three flavors a few months ago and were pretty unimpressed with all of them. That being said, Cheesy Garlic Bread was probably the least offensive, so we suppose it makes sense as a winner. (P.S. Eva -- why so much trouble deciding? Did you actually like all these flavors? Should we be concerned about eating at your restaurants?)
But if we happen to have a potato chip craving, we'll stick to the original variety -- and we'll seek out real garlic bread with cheese if we ever have a hankering for its flavor profile.